Chapter 41: We've gone to the dark side unwillingly.

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I sprang out of bed, ignoring the black spots clouding my vision for a second. 

I walked down the hallway, making one last check on my arm to make sure the cast wasn't peeling again like it was last night. My parents obviously don't know how to make casts.

"There she is," I heard my mom's strained voice as I walked into the living room.

I looked up, hoping to see Jenny there, but instead was surprised to see two people I've seen around school. 

"Honey, your friends are here," my mom said, stressing the 'friends' part. The fact that she looks cautious gives me enough reason to be as cautious and alert. Who are these two?

"Oh, sorry, no- we're not friends," Tom started. His eyes widened at his own rudeness, "I mean-if you want to be friends that's cool. I didn't mean-"

"I'm Chloe," the tall blonde girl reached her arm out at me, as if to shake it. I continued staring at her, not even glancing at her outstretched arm. She let it fall after a second, her smile disappearing momentarily. "This is Tom, my brother. We're actually in the school comittee-"

"So?" I cut in. Why is the 'school committee' in my living room.

 "So..." she drawled, "We just wanted to know if you would like to join our team."


"What do you mean 'why'?" Tom cut in, "Joining the comittee will help you advance in your career. It looks great in resumes and applicaitons-"

"Tom. Stop." Chloe interrupted him. If I wasn't so suspicious, I would've grown to like Tom. He has that endearing quirky side to him. Whatever that means. "We noticed you know one of our members."

"One of your members?"

"Yes. Although we don't disclose information about our members, we'd like you to know that Chase is in the committee. You know Chase, right?" She smiled, showing a perfect set of white teeth.

"Chase...? Doesn't ring a bell." I responded.

She stared dumbfounded at me, "Chase. Chase Armitage? You have a class with him," I continued staring at her with a blank face as she rattled on, "He's also been seen with you many times."

"Hmmm, nope."

She laughed awkwardly, "I'm sure you know him," she said, "He must've hurt your head harder than we thought."

I quirked my head to the side slightly, "Excuse me?" He? 'He' as in who?

Her face seemed to lose color as I stared her down.

"Who are you, again?" my mom finally spoke.

"Sorry, that wasn't meant to mean anything. I just figured since your arm is in a cast-"

"You figured I was beat by a guy, is what you're saying."

"No, not all! I'm so sorry, it just came out wrong."

"Chloe didn't mean anything by her words, she was just speculating," Tom said.

I narrowed my eyes at Tom and Chloe. Something fishy is going on here. My mom suddenly started asking them questions that pertained to school. Probably trying to get to the bottom of this.

I have my own methods to getting to the bottom of this.

I looked away nonchalantly while I reached into my sweatpants pocket. I left a pen in there last night after scratching my name on my bedside table: I was bored. 

I looked back at both of them, immersed with answering my mom's questions, and quickly aimed and threw the pen so it would flew through the gap between them. This isn't intended to hurt them. It's just to see how quick their reflexes are.

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