Chapter 36: Someone's going to pay for this.

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We're surrounded by the SUVs now; there's no way out. 

"How is this happening?" John kept babbling, "What did you do?"

"John, just chill. Anne's got this all under control. She's a-"

"Alex! Stop it!" I interrupted. I knew trusting him was gonna bite me in the but sooner or later. "Keep your eye out, there should be an exit on the freeway soon." The SUVs have been driving behind and alongside me relentlessly. If I have to, I'll ram into the one on my right to get to the exit.

"We're in the middle of fields, you know. There won't be an exit for, like, half an hour or more," John said.

He's right. We've been driving too far in, the traffic left way behind and only a few cars lingering along (smart enough to get out of our way).

"But why are they just driving alongside us?" Alex asked what we were all thinking. It was puzzling, but I think I know why.

"They're probably trying to steer us somewhere," I speculated. Keeping one hand on the wheel, I reached behind me and pulled out my trusty gun from under my sweater. I laid it next to the other gun on my lap, ignoring the annoying comments from John.

"Here," I placed one gun onto his lap, "This is for you. Just aim and shoot when I tell you to."

His eyes widened as he stared at the gun on his lap, "Are you kidding me?! I can't use that! I've never even seen a gun in real life!"

"There's a first for everything, believe me," Alex joked. I glanced through the rear view mirror, giving him a warning look as he shrank back in apology.

"Right," this is it, all or nothing. We might die, but at least we'll be out of this cooped up space in the freeway. Just kidding, we won't die. I hope. "When I-" BAM.

A piercing sound came from outside of the car, freaking out John all over again. I looked to my right and noticed a hand with a gun emerging from the SUV. They just shot at us! John let out a loud cry while Alex yelled "Dude!"

It's a good thing my car is also bulletproof, but dents will still show up! The damage on the bulletproof cover is unmanageable. I'd have to replace the whole pieve just to get the dent out.

Someone's going to pay for this.

Nevertheless, I smirked evilly. I have an excuse to shoot back now: defense. 

"They've angered the bull, now they're gonna get the horns!" Alex commented from the back seat. 

"Sut up, Alex," John said.

This is going to be fun.


Janet's P.O.V (mom)

"Where are the kids?" I asked Rick absentmindedly. I hadn't seen them since John went to pick up Alex, and that was a little more than an hour ago. It shouldn't take long, since Alex's school is only 20 minutes away.

"They probably just went to get something to eat," Rick said. He was sifting through some papers we managed to get from Boss's system. It was hard, but with the right connections it is doable. "It says here," he read, " 'Chase Armitage has been seen in the city of Belmont by our distinguished Assassins'." He stopped reading and looked up to me, "So he's here?"

"Why would he be here? What buisness does he have five thousand miles away from his place?" this is very puzzling. According to the reports, this Chase guy is in charge of the England subdivision of Assassins, under Boss's instruction. 

Did Boss call him over? I voiced outloud.

"I don't think he did. There's really no reason for him to, unless-"

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