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After skipping school on Friday to avoid seeing Calum, or Seirra, or Michael, or anyone for that matter, I sat staring at my ceiling for several hours before finally deciding that I would go to Annie’s birthday party.

A large part of me wanted to sulk in my room eating hummus and ice-cream,  scrolling through everyone’s homecoming pictures on PicShare, however the larger part of me that knew I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I missed Annie’s party won, and so after deciding on bringing one of the collector Barbie’s my Mom had claimed she needed and never opened as a present, set off.

On the walk to the Clifford’s house, I had enough time to seriously over think things until I was tempted to turn around, but I forced myself forward.

I would go in, give her the stupid 2001 Christmas Barbie, wrapped in blue construction paper, and then be on my way.

It would be so fast I wouldn’t even see Michael, I’d just be a blur in his peripheral vision. I’d come and go so quickly, there’d be a breeze.

That’s what I told myself anyway as I made the entirely uphill forty minute journey from my small house to the Clifford’s massive one.

It was three stories, with a wraparound porch which was decked out with streamers and balloons in various shades of pink.

Stopping at the end of the driveway, I looked back the way I’d come wondering if it was too late to toss the Barbie on the porch and make a quick getaway.

It turned out it was, because just as I raised my arm to hurl the present, the front door swung open, revealing an elated looking Annie, a birthday sash slung across her body, a tiara on her head and sparkly blue eye shadow covering her eyelids.

“Katy!” she shrieked, alerting everyone from Illinois to Israel of my presence.

“Hi.” I said weekly, forcing a smile.

“You came!” she cried, clamoring down the front steps and running down the driveway to me.

Reaching me, she threw her arms around my neck, jerking me down into a bone crushing hug.

“I-I wouldn’t miss it.” I choked out, “Happy Birthday.”

Grinning, she pulled away from me and swiveled her hips, making her dress fan out around her shins. It was a hideous thing that wouldn’t even look good on giant toddler it was undoubtedly created for, pale pink and peter pan colored, it made poor Katy look like something out of a nightmare, however oblivious to that fact she seemed to love it.

“You look nice.” I said awkwardly since that was what she was clearly waiting for me to say.

“Thank you!” she breathed, “Come on inside!”

Reaching out she grabbed me by the hand and ran, pulling me behind her up the driveway, up the front steps and through the front door.

Not stopping, she dragged me down a hallway before rounding a corner into what appeared to be the living room and the designated party space.

“Look everybody!” Annie announced, “Katy is here!”

Wishing the ground would open up and swallow me, delivering me from this living hell I’d walked foolishly into, I glanced around the room nervously. Michael was there, obviously, sitting on the couch watching a soccer game between two teams I didn’t know the name of. A boy with the prominent features of Downs Syndrome he and Annie shared was sat beside him, going to town on some chips and salsa. Calum was sat on the other side of the room in a chair and on his lap was some pixie looking girl with hair the color of Smurf.

Seeming surprised that I was there Calum stared at me for several seconds like a deer in headlights before hastily looking away.

I could see Michael watching me out of the corner of his eye, however after everything that had happened in the cafeteria the day before he didn’t seem willing to talk to me.

“There’s a piñata!” Annie said excitedly, redirecting my attention from the boys, “And cake!”

“Seems fun.” I replied, feigning enthusiasm.

“I know!” Annie breathed, “I’m so happy you’re here!”

“Yeah,” I said slowly, looking back to the boys, “Me too.”

“I didn’t think you were coming.” Michael spoke up.

I shrugged.

“I thought you were bad at us.” Calum said slowly.

“I am.” I replied, handing Annie her present before crossing my arms over my chest.

“Then why are you here?” Calum asked.

“Because I Invited her.” Annie said in a duh tone, coming to my rescue.

Opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something, Calum hesitated before falling silent. A thick fog light quiet covered the room for several seconds, but was shattered as Smurffette opened her lip gloss coated mouth.

“Hi.” She greeted, “I don’t think we’ve met before I’m Gracie.”

“Katy.” I mumbled.

“I’m Dave.” The boy sitting next to Michael announced.

Awkwardly, I raised a hand and waved. Again an award silence settled over the room, and again, much like the first time it was interrupted a few minutes later by an overly excited shriek.

“Alright who’s ready to get this party started?”

Turning around hastily, I watched as a middle aged couple, the man carrying a camera and his wife, a tray of brownies entered the room. They were the kind of people that you just sort of knew had names like George and Nancy; Cadillac driving, country club members who spent their weekends at golf clubs and lobster bakes.

Setting the brownies down on the table infront of Dave, who dove into them head first, she turned to look at me and flashed me a smile which would make dentists everywhere take off their hats in salute.

“You must be Katy!” she said in that fake adult way that says, ‘I’m judging every move you make even though I’m pretending I like you’ “Annie has told me all about you!”

My eyes widening, I glanced over at Annie.

“I’m Annie and Michael’s Mama.” She said as if I couldn’t put two and two together, “But you can call me Nancy.”

Surprised that her name was legitimately Nancy I forced a smile and nodded.

“Thank you so much for coming to our little shindig.” She said happily, draping an intimidating muscular arm around my shoulders, “We’re going to have a great time! Isn't that right boys?"

"Yeah." Michael sighed, forcing a grimace, "It's going to be a blast."

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