Budda (a dog)

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I like to move.
I like going on walks.
Chasing squirrels.
Chasing this annoying furry stick behind me that I'm never quite able to catch.
I even love going in the big bath even though it smells like the stuff the two legers use to clean the white water fountain.

I wish I was moving, but for now I have to sit.

I like sitting sometimes, like after a long walk. But I didn't go on a long walk today, I went for a ride in the moving box, and now I'm here.

Bryce is stroking me. It feels good. I see the furry stick moving back and forth underneath me but I can't chase it, not now. I'm working.

I look down at my vest.

It looks like the little things on walk I like to pee on, same color.

I want to go for a walk.

This place smells weird. Not like the big bath. It smells like dead things.

Not the good kind you can toss up in the air and play with. The bad kind. The kind you stay away from.

I stand up, then lay down, then sit again.

I wish I had a bone or a biscuit. I love biscuits.

There's a two legger watching me.
The long haired kind.

I wonder if she had biscuits then scold myself, not everyone has biscuits.

I rest my head on Bryce's leg and he scratches me ears.

It makes me feel so good I kiss his hand. This makes the two legger with the long hair smile.

She's setting next to another two legger but this one is not smiling, his eyes are leaking. Sometimes Bryce's eyes leak and I have to lick him.

I wonder if I should lick the two legger. I want to, but I'm on the clock. I have to stand with Bryce.

Lying down I turn and bite at an itch on my back.

I don't like this place. Not at all. Apparently a lot of the two leggers don't like it either because they leave.

They all wrap their front paws around the leaking one and then they leave, one by one until there are only three left.

I can hear them talking but I don't know what they're saying, I don't speak their language. I hear stop, I know that one and food. Then there's more words I don't know.

One of the two leggers leaves. She comes back later with cups. I wonder what's in the cups I wonder if it's good.

We've been sitting here a long time.
I wonder if we live here.

I hope not. I do not like wherever, here, is.

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