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"He's your son!"

"He was a mistake! These are my kids Ashton!"

"You're disgusting!"

"Clearly you people are if it's so bad they had to take him away."

"Don't say that."

"It's true. Your weren't a good parent Ashton and that isn't going to change. Just move on with your life. Get over me, meet a girl that gives a shit about you and have more."

Shocked and angry, I picked up the coffee mug sitting on the counter infront of me, of which Dorothy and I were stood on opposite sides, and threw it at the wall causing it to shatter.

"What the fuck?" Dorothy shouted.

"You're a psychotic bitch." I snarled.

"Oh I'm the psycho? This coming from the basket case who can't his kids back because he used himself as a cutting board!"

Wanting nothing more than to fly across the counter and smack the shit out of her, I balled my hands into fists.

"Don't listen to her Ashton." Katy spoke up next to me, "She's just...."

"A cold hearted, bitch." I finished.

"Get out of my house." Dorothy left, shifting her kid on her hip.

I didn't move.

"Now, before I call security."

"Ash, let's just go." Katy said gently.

Standing up from the chair in which she was sat, she reached out and grabbing my hand began pulling me towards the door. Too dumbfounded to object, I let her. Following behind her like a confused puppy until the door of Dorothy's apartment closed behind us.

Immediately, I jerked free of her grasp.

"Don't listen to anything she said." Katy sighed, "None of it is true, you're a great Dad and we'll get him back."

Shaking my head, a harsh laugh escaped my lips.

"What?"she questioned.

"Do you even listen to yourself?" I spat, "Everything she said was true. I have no business being a dad. We will never get Sam back. He's gone."


"No she's right! I'm a freak, your fat, the world sucks! What's the point in even trying to swim when you know your inevitably going to drown?"

Looking like she wanted to say something but wasn't quite sure what, Katy looked down.

Cramming my hands in my pocket I pushed past her, and knowing she wouldn't be able to keep up with me, ditched the elevator for the stairs which I jogged down, ignoring the sound of Katy's calls to wait between her labored breaths behind me.

I didn't slow down as I left the apartment, hastily crossed the street or took another stairwell up to the fourth level of the parking garage where my truck was waiting.

Getting in I cranked up the music, and lighting a cigarette placed it between my lips, taking in hungry gulps of the husky smoke which filled my mouth and throat.

After several minutes of my impatient waiting, my fingertips drumming on the steering wheel, a sweaty, pale and wheezing Katy climbed into the passenger seat behind me. Waiting only until her door closed behind her, I rocket back out of my parking space, narrowly avoiding hitting a Bentley, before speeding out of the garage.

Ignoring the honking of cars and the screaming of other driver's breaks, I swerved onto the main road with tires squealing.

"Ashton!" Katy gasped beside me, clinging to her seatbelt, her eyes wide with fear and her face the same shade of white as a piece of printer paper.

Ignoring her, I urged my truck faster, swerving between lines like a maniac.

"Slow down!" she cried out, her voice waving her.

Glancing over at her and finding her cheeks stained with tears, I contemplated slowing down, however after glancing at the speedometer which was stuck on 100, I ignored her.

"Ashton please!" she choked out, "We're gonna crash! I can't do that again. I can't... I can't see that. His face. Please stop. Please."

Shaking and looking to be on the verge of throwing up, she looked straight ahead, however I could tell she was seeing something else.

But I didn't slow down, not as I got on the highway, and then off it again, not as we flew through school zones, or neighborhoods, not until we jerked to a screeching halt outside her house.

"Ashton?" she questioned, wiping her eyes on her sleeves, "Why are we here?"

"Get out." I said gruffly.

"What?" she whispered, her eyes widening in panic, "No! I thought I was staying with you?"

"Why would you stay with me?" I laughed.

"My Mo...."

"Your Mom is your Mom." I interrupted, "I'm not. I'm not anything to you, and you're not anything to me, now get out of my truck."

"Ashton.... Don't do this, we'll get Sam back, we'....."

"What is this we?" I laughed, "You're not my girlfriend, or my sister, hell you're not even my friend! You're a high schooler and I'd appreciate it if you'd get out of my car!"

Looking hurt, Katy stared at me unmoving.

"Get out of my car!" I shouted, causing her to flinch, "And get out of my life."

Reaching down I unbuckled her seatbelt.

"I thought we were family." She whispered, "You don't have one and mine sucks... I thought...."

"You thought wrong." I spat, wanting to hurt her, wanting her to hate me, "We aren't shit. And I'd rather have no family then be associated with you. Now get out of my truck."

The expression on her wounded face, breaking my heart, Katy nodded slowly, swallowing audibly before reaching out and opening the door.

Digging my knuckles into my thigh trying to stop the moisture in my eyes which threatened to spill, back, I watched as she dejectedly climbed out of my truck and slowly trudged through the rain up to her front door.

Not waiting for her to get in, I cranked the music up and lighting another cigarette, sped away, leaving her alone and crying in the rain.

Skinny • Book 1 In The Reality SeriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang