Chapter 48- Escape (again)

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"At least they haven't tortured us. Or beaten us. It really could be much worse than this, you know."

Fin was sitting on the hard cement floor in one of his own jail cells, with his head between his knees, and he didn't look up when Rune said the words, in a tone that sounded as if he were doing his best to sound cheerful.

"Amber Moon's Alpha has taken an innocent woman hostage and her life is in danger. It is a very real possibility that he's on the brink of losing his mind putting an untold number of people's lives in danger. And it looks like the King and Alpha Vos are headed in the wrong direction while we're locked up here and Izzy, my very own twin, has betrayed me, according to what you've said, which is the really the icing on top of the fucking cake that has been this fantastic week."

"But you did find your mate, and she is basically everything you've ever wanted, right?"

Fin's claws dug into the palms of his hands.

"While normally I appreciate your optimism, even in the direst situations, Rune," he forced himself to take a slow, grounding breath, "at the moment I think, it's a little much. There are people out there that need our help. And we're never going to get out of here. At least until we've been proven innocent. Which is absurd. This is one area of the law where the humans have the right idea."

"Our laws have always been ruthless. It's just part of being a werewolf."

"Boys!" The familiar voice rang down the hallway and every head in the prison turned in it's direction. "I've brought treats!"

"Ma'am, I mean, Luna, the prisoners aren't allowed treats." One of the guards who'd been lazing against the wall immediately straightened and moved towards the golden haired woman who was wrapped in a large black shawl. She had a large basket hanging over her arm as she moved into the warm glow of the light in the center of the hallway.

"Your commanding officer, well, the one who's still here anyways, said that my cookies are so delicious that I'm welcome to share them with all of you, even while you're still on duty. Wasn't that kind of him? And I have a little something for everyone. There's oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip cookies and there are even sugar cookies. Which are your favorites, Sweetie?"

Fin didn't move from where he was seated, and he couldn't hear the guards response, even though he strained his ears to hear the rest of the conversation. His mother spoke so loudly and so clearly though that he could hear every single word that she said.

"Is there anyone else here? I want to make sure that no one feels left out. I think I found all the guards outside. Were there twelve? Perfect. I found everyone then. Oh! Sweetheart. You're feeling dizzy. Here. Why don't you sit down. Now watch your head. There you go. Why don't you just have a nice sleep. I'm sure you'll feel much more like yourself in the morning."

Fin was on his feet, at the door to his cell, as he listened to the rattling of keys, hardly believing his eyes as he watched his mother bending over the enormous body of the guard that had locked him in his cell earlier in the night.

Both he and his Beta remained silent until his mother had made her way all the way down to their cell, her face serious until she reached them. They both regarded her silently, half afraid to speak and break the silence, as if that would cause some spell to break, waking the guard. But the former Luna smiled warmly when her eyes landed on her son.

"Finally. I wasn't sure they would all be convinced to take them. But even the ones that were reluctant obviously didn't want to hurt my feelings and so they took a few bites and that was all it took."

"You poisoned the King's Guards?" Fin's eyes were wide. He appreciated his mother breaking him out of the jail cell, but he hoped that she hadn't committed a greater crime than the one he hoped to stop while she was doing it.

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