3 | 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫

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I chose to spend my Saturday walking around Central Park today.

The buzzing of the city brings me a sort of relaxation. Considering it's one of the busiest cities in the U.S, I'm well aware that sounds a bit weird.

For as long as I could remember, I had always wanted to live in New York. Something about the city of dreams always inspired me. It drew me in.

But I will admit, I wanted to live in a massive city not only because I was always a city person, but the thought of living far from home sounded like paradise.

I take the last bite of my almond croissant as I cross North 110th Street. My earbuds are blasting Taylor Swift as I walk.

I get myself comfortable underneath a large oak tree and take The Cruel Prince out of my shoulder bag. I sip some of my coffee as I read, feeling the bliss of nature surrounding me.

That is, until a dog runs up to me, sniffing my coffee.

"Oh-" I set down my book, "Hi there." I pet the small dogs soft ears. King Charles Spaniel?

"I'm so sorry," a male voice says. "You're fine," I say looking up at him.

Wow. His blonde hair is so... perfect? And his eyes, a bright emerald green. Holy shit.

He's like a real life Aaron Warner... not as perfect but the layout is there for sure.

He probably doesn't even know who Aaron Warner is, Amanda.

He smiles at me, "Really, I'm sorry. He's still new to the training thing."

"Uh, no really, you're okay," I chuckle as I turn to the tiny dog, "You're so handsome aren't you?" I pet his soft cheeks.

"Cooper sit," the guy says. The dog immediately sits, his dark eyes adorable. "How old is he?" I ask, looking up at the stranger again.

"About a year, he's definitely not a puppy anymore," He chuckles. "I'm Landon, by the way," He reaches out his hand for me to shake. I take it, "Mandy."

"You go to school around here?" He crosses his arms, making him look naturally taller.

Something tells me he's definitely Abby's type.

"Yeah. NYU," I say, petting Cooper. "What about you?"

"Columbia," Landon says.

Smart? Check. Dog lover? Check. Attractive? Check, check, check.

What could this guy not have?

I take a sip of my coffee as Cooper sits next to my bag. "What major are you if you don't mind me asking?" Landon asks, sitting down in front of my laid out legs. Cooper gets up and prances over to him.

"Psychology as of now." His eye brows raise and his eyes spark with interest.

"Psychology? I wouldn't take you as a psychology person first glance."

I chuckle, "Yeah, it was kind of last minute so I hope I didn't make the wrong decision. What about you?"

His lips form a small smile as he pets Cooper, "Law."

"Why law?"

"Family business stuff," He says, looking down at Cooper, but he lifts his eyes to me, "Why psychology?"

My fucked up issues.

"Interest I guess," I answer. He smiles a breathing taking smile at me.

"You're not from around here are you?" Landon says, a gentle smile growing on his lips.

I blush, "No, I'm not." I look back at his green eyes, "are you?"

"Nope," He fully smiles, looking at me. "My friends are here so I came here for college. Seemed like a good deal."

I nod, "yeah it does." Cooper comes up to me again, nuzzling his face on my thigh. "New York seemed like my calling so I came here for an escape."

Landon's eyebrows furrow, "escape?" I nod again. "We should hang out sometime," he offers.

I smile looking down at Cooper.


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