4 | 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝

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Landon offered to walk me back to campus with Cooper. 

We stayed in the park for a few hours talking. He asked me a lot of questions about myself which I wasn't really used to. I'll admit it was hard for me to act like I was used to talking about myself when he saw that, he'd change the subject.

He is really sweet. Someone anyone could be able to talk to. A really good friend. 

We walk into the elevator together, Cooper walking beside him. "Floor?" Landon asks, looking to me.


He clicks the button and the elevator doors shut.

"This campus is nice. I looked here for a while but I wanted to go for something different," he says, his hands crossed politely, intertwined with the dog leash.

"Yeah, but it's not cheap that's for sure," I admit.

He nods in agreement as the elevator dings and the doors open. We walk down the hall until we reach my door. "This is me."

He nods, "Sweet. It was nice meeting you," he says. I smile at him, "you too."

Landon's hand lifts to rub the back of his neck. "We should do this again. I don't normally meet people because of my dog."

I put my key into the handle as I smile, "I'm sure." 

I unlock the door, but take out my phone first. "What's your number incase Cooper ever wants to see me again?" Landon laughs, taking my phone to put his number into my contacts. He waves me goodbye and walks back down the hall to the elevator.

I open my door, shutting it behind me and throw my keys on my side dresser.

I look up and see Chloe sitting on my bed, a huge ass smile on her face. 

"I heard all of that," she says, smiling even bigger.

I take a deep breath, "It's not like that Chlo. I met him after his dog sniffed my coffee and we got to talking."

She jumps off my bed, running up to me, "Oh my god, Mandy! That was a test! You meet a guy and don't even plan on telling me?!" 

"Why were you in my dorm?" I ask, setting my bag down. She sighs, guilty. "It smells nice in here and I needed to take a break from studying... but that's not the point, Mandy."

I give her a look, "then what is the point, Chloe?"

Her green eyes shrink to slits, "Oh please. If I didn't overhear that conversation you wouldn't have told me anything!" She leans forward and slaps my arm playfully. 

I chuckle, walking around her to hang my jacket on my chair and take my stuff out of my bag, "Chloe, it's nothing." 

She gets off my bed and moves to leans against my door, crossing her arms. "Yeah, right. Was he cute at least?"

I walk over to my mirror and let down my hair from my bun. "Very, but not for me. Next time I plan on hanging out with him, why don't you introduce yourself?"

I feel her stare blazing into head. I turn to her, "what?"

"It's Saturday," she says with her arms still crossed.

"Cool. And?"

"I swear to god Mandy I love you and I know you enjoy going to the library for three hours to pick out romance novels but sometimes it's good for the brain to go party," she says, laying her head back on my door. 

I chuckle as I take off some of my jewelry, "and you think because I'm a psych major I'm supposed to apply that to my life? What's wrong with reading romance novels? I happen to think they're enjoyable. They make my standards higher and pass my time quicker." I grab my laptop off my desk and plop onto my bed.

"Mandy, spending your weekend in a library isn't going to show you how fun college life can be," Chloe says. A childlike tone comes out in her jersey accent, making her voice sound almost adorable. "Why don't we go for dinner or go to party? There's a school movie night in the comm building?"

I look over to her. Her red hair is curled and her clothes are comfortable but stylish in their own, New York way. Chloe has this effortless beauty about her alongside her captivating energy. She's warm-hearted, fun, and outgoing. 

Three things I wish I could apply more to myself. 

She drops her arms, "After I study, I'd like you to come with me to a party." She runs over to me, closing my laptop, and putting her hands under her chin like a kid begging for another cookie. "Please, Mandy? Pleaseeee?"

I close my eyes. I don't do college parties, I don't do college parties.

"I don't know," I shrug. Her disappointment is practically fuming out of her ears, "Get your cute ass out of this bed or I will riot." 

I roll my eyes at her. 

"Don't roll your eyes! You do it all that time! Your eyes are going to stick to the back of your head. Kappa Ki is hosting the party and I would love your gorgeous arm on my shoulder tonight." 

I roll my eyes again, just to piss her off, and her head collapses in defeat against the soft blankets on my bed. 

"I'll make you a deal," she says as she stands up walking over to my door. "If you don't like it, we'll leave and never have to go to another party again. Just think about it and I'll be back in twenty." 

She exits my room, closing the door behind her. 

After a few seconds, I huff and force myself to get up and walk over to my small closet. When I moved in I was too lazy to fold everything neatly, so that resulted in me shoving every piece of fucking clothing into colored boxes and on hangers. 

I grab out a purple dress covered with sparkles. It's... cute. A bit much but cute for what it's worth. Abby wore it Junior year for a school dance and gave it to me. I wore a white silk dress I found at Nordstrom's. 

Abby of course, had a date who matched her colors. I didn't. 

I shove it back into the clothes, sliding over the hangers until I see something I like. I come across a black dress with long-sleeved straps. I pull it out, taking another look before tossing it onto my bed and looking deeper into my closet for any other options. 

Maybe Chloe was right. I needed to live my life a little bit. It would be good for my mental health to leave my dorm for some normal college lifestyle fun. If I didn't like it, I don't have to do it again as she told me. 

About an hour later, my door opens, "So do you like this or should I-" Chloe stops mid sentence, gaping at me in my dress. 

"Holy shit. I- Wow." She looks me up and down before landing on my breasts, "You have boobs, Mandy!"

I adjust the sleeves of the dress on my body, noticing the bottom is shorter from when I last wore it. 

"Yes. Don't you?" 

"Not those milkers that's for sure." She walks over to my closet grabbing a pair of my heels. 

"You have a way with words. I'm flattered." I place my earrings in, analyzing my appearance. Chloe walks up behind me. She looks great as usual.

"Wait! You need a jacket," Chloe walks over to my closet, pulling out a black jean jacket and tossing it to me. 

"Let's do this!" Chloe yells. 

I smile as we walk hand in hand out of my dorm. 

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