8 | 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧

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Monday's suck.

I don't know how many Monday's have passed since the start of the semester, but I swear every single one feels longer and more brutal than the last. 

I roll over in my bed. My window is shining with the tiniest bit of dawn, making my sheer curtains a royal blue.

I look over to my alarm clock and read the bright pink numbers.

4:32 am.


I could skip and sleep, right? 

I groan and pull my covers off my legs and go to grab my toiletry bag off my counter, still half asleep.

The residence halls at NYU are nice, especially for the amount of money they are a year. There's a queen size bed, closet, counter space, free wooden desk with a chair, and some room space.

Unfortunately, no personal bathroom.

So, every morning I brush my teeth and shower in the women's bathrooms down the hall. I'm lucky enough it's on my floor so I don't have to use the elevator every morning.

The sound of water running and girls talking fill my ears as I walk in.

Chloe likes to sleep in since her first class isn't until 9:30 so the bathrooms are normally empty when she has the chance to use them.

Unlike me who barely sleeps and gets up at the crack of fucking dawn. Clearly, I'm not the only one because there are at least twenty girls that use these restrooms every morning before five o'clock.

I brush my teeth, put up my hair, and walk into an unvacated shower before stripping my clothes and hanging them on the rack outside the curtain.

Girls come and go as I shower and I overhear words of gossip. This guy dumped her, this girl did this, that girl who hooked up with him got revenge on her ex or something.

I never understood why people don't gossip about interesting stuff. Gossiping isn't a good thing, but at least choose something intriguing to talk about if you're gonna do it. 

I dry off and get dressed in leggings and a forest green, long sleeved shirt.

I put on some concealer and mascara and leave my hair as is before deciding to make myself a cup of coffee.

I open my curtains once I'm back to my dorm, the sun now shining somewhat over the city. I've always wanted to watch the sunrise on top of one of these tall buildings but I haven't found the time, or the perfect building for that matter, to do it.

I walk over to the counter and open some of the cabinets to look for some of my starbucks coffee pods. 

After no luck, I find nothing. 


I sit there for 5 minutes just contemplating if I should go out and buy myself coffee, but I haven't been alone to get coffee without Chloe since I've moved here.

She'd actually be proud I made my way around without her.

I grab my bag and put on my jacket before heading out the door.


New York's crisp fall air wisps past me as I make my way to Café Lafayette.

Their coffee is so amazing. Chloe took me there pretty much every morning at the start of the semester.

I decided to walk. My mother always bugged me about what she believed my body should look like and she claimed it was because I never did sports in school. I was always an artistic person over sports.

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