29 | 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞

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It was, in fact, a very long night.

I stretch awake in his extremely comfortable bed when I smell coffee. A smile immediately takes over my face subconsciously when Carter walks in wearing cotton pj pants, his chest bare.

"Good morning," he whispers. He dips the mattress as he sits directly next to me. I sit up, the coldness of his bedsheets making goosebumps rise yet again on my skin.

It suddenly occurs to me that I'm naked in his bed.

He leans in to me and gives me a soft kiss on the lips, "feeling okay after last night?" he asks softly.

Oh, I'm way more than okay. Carter has brought me an entirely new perspective on a sexual awakening.

I was partially numb at one point and my legs shook like crazy once we relaxed. I gave him tons of shit about it and he only laughed it off, holding my close to him and refusing to let go.

I eventually fell asleep in his arms. I had never been more comfortable in my life.

I nod, "how are you feeling?"

He kisses me again, "amazing."

He hands me a white mug with steaming coffee inside and my heart bolts out of my chest.

"Thank you," I whisper. He nods, "I want pancakes so I'll make you some too."

I giggle wondering how in the hell is he manages to be so ripped when he eats mac and cheese and pancakes.

"I have some spare clothes if you need some," he offers. He pecks a kiss on my bare shoulder as I sip on my warm coffee. I kiss his cheek before he stands up, "that would be great."

He gets up and walks over to his dresser, leaving me an amazing view of his behind in his sweatpants, and throws me a T-shirt. I look at his mischievous blue eyes in confusion.

"That's just a shirt," I state the obvious. He nods his head looking totally serious, "I know."

I shake my head in more confusion, "don't I need some pants?"

"Nope," he says, a sexy grin stretching on his lips.

I roll my eyes. Of course he'd want me to walk around his apartment in only my underwear. Why didn't I ever think of that?

I huff as I reach for the shirt when he leaves the room.


I was still so exhausted from being kept up all night that I truly did need to go back to sleep.

It's so nice to just talk with Carter. He understands what I have to say, what I want to say. Even when I say pointless things he still listens so intently.

I was still curious about him. I wanted to know more about the man I've fallen for and I felt there were little pieces yet to uncover.

"Tell me more about your family," I say aloud. We both lay horizontally on his dark bed, facing each other.

His blue eyes cloud with someone as they always do on the topic and I feel bad bringing it up but there has to be more than what he's told me.

"I want to know the good and the bad, Carter," I say.

He gives me a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes and grabs my hand, intertwining it with his own fingers.

"It's... hard for me to talk about," he admits.

I nod and stay silent. He continues, "you deserve to know."

"When I was sixteen," he starts. His breath has become noticeably shakier and I feel the urge to hold him close to my bare chest.

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