15 | 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬

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"Hi. Is Thomas here today?" I say to Billy, the front receptionist of the residence halls.

"Of course, when is he not?" Billy laughs, placing down his donut and I smile. I have to spend the morning of my birthday getting a new key for my dorm room, which Chloe said was potentially God's birthday gift to me.

Thomas appears a few moments later. He's a nice man around fifty, tall, and skinny with glasses. He helped me find my dorm and move some of my stuff in when I arrived here.

"Mandy! How are you?" He exclaims as he walks over to the desk blocking us.

"I'm doing well," I greet, "how's the family?"

He smiles, "fine, fine. What can I help you with?"

I explain my story and he laughs when I'm finished. "Don't worry we can get that taken care of for you. You know about the fee, correct?"

I nod my head. If you lose or break your key, you have to pay twenty dollars to get a new one. So stupid but welcome to NYU.

"Dorm number?" Thomas asks me. I open my mouth and just as I am about to tell him my number, I hear that familiar voice behind me.

"I was wondering the same thing," Carter says. From the tone of his voice, I can tell he has that charming smile on his face.

"Osteen. Nice to see you," Thomas reaches his hand out to shake Carters.

Who is with this guy? Every person knows him. I wouldn't be shocked if the president walked up to him and gave him a medal at this point.

I spin around and look right at his attractive face, "can I help you?" I ask, but I realize he's holding a very large bouquet of flowers.

A dozen white roses with intricate small babies breath flowers completely fill the grey wrapping of the bouquet. It's easily the most beautiful arrangement I have ever seen. That's when it hits me that he said he would deliver flowers to my dorm for my birthday yesterday.

This man does not break a promise.

"Two twenty one" I mumble under my breath to Thomas who looks at me with a confused face. I really don't want to say my dorm number in front of Carter.

He could be a very charming serial killer for all I know.

"Sorry?" Thomas says, waiting for me. "Two twenty one," I say aloud.

"Happy Birthday," Carter says in my ear and I look over at him. I try to hide my blush because I don't want to show him he has any actual affect on me, "Thank you."

He doesn't respond, he only pushes the bouquet towards me with childish smile and I see two small dimples in his cheeks.

I hesitate, but eventually take them out of decency. They are pretty and I guess it was a nice gesture.

"Got it," Thomas continues, "I'll have someone go and replace the lock for you by today and your new key should be here soon."

I nod in thanks and head back towards the elevator. Chloe said she had to go "shopping for something that definitely wasn't for my birthday," Abby is at the fundraiser wearing Chloe's borrowed clothes like me, and I am spending time by myself in Chloe's dorm until they both get back and we have to get ready for dinner.

"Stressful morning?" Carter asks, following behind me.

"Um, sort of." I look behind me to see him walking, "why are you following me?"

"I can't get a tour?" Carter says nonchalantly.

"I'm busy right now," I say. Look I know he's cute and he's nice enough to give me flowers on my birthday. He's a nice guy.

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