11 | 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫

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I decided to take Wednesday off.

Correction: I was forced to take Wednesday off.

Abby and Chloe insisted that we go out for lunch and shopping. I said maybe later because my one class I had today started later and would end by lunch time. They didn't like my answer. 

They dragged me by my ankles out of bed, threw me clothes, and pushed me out the door.

Abby asked Chloe to take us to the Manhattan Mall. She says we need to pick out a cute birthday outfit for me for Saturday night.

We're currently strolling through H&M when Abby pulls on my leather jacket towards her.

"This is so cute," she gasps, pulling a satin silver dress off of a rack. "Chloe!"

Chloe runs over to us from the sweater section holding three shirts and a leather skirt.

"Oh wow! Mandy try that on!"

I shake my head, "I'll pass."

"It'll be your birthday dress. I'll paying for it," Abby says placing her hand on her hip as she holds the dress in her other hand in front of me.

I roll my eyes, "it's cute don't get me wrong but it's cold out. A shorter dress like that will have me freezing my ass off."

Chloe huffs and leans her shoulder on the wall, "Mandy, it's your birthday week. Who cares about the cold? Try on the dress and we'll leave you alone if you really don't like it. Please?" She folds her hands together and gives me a look resembling a begging puppy. I laugh knowing she's only trying to lighten my judgment. 

I stand there for another minute before taking the dress from Abby's hands and walking over to the dressing room.

I strip off my clothes and slip on the dress. The fabric is cool against my hot skin from my coat and warm attire.

I zip up the back of the dress myself before stepping in front of the mirror.

The dress hugs my soft curves around my hips and breasts nicely. The fabric is a lovely contrast to my brown hair. The fabric is beautiful.

But all that runs through my mind is my mothers voice.

"Don't wear that, Amanda. You don't want to look like you're asking for it, do you?"

"You should really stop eating carbs, Mandy. They're not doing you any good"

"If you get bigger, not my problem. I just don't want to hear you complain about it."

I shake the thoughts from my mind. I realize my jaw has been clenched this entire time, trying to hold back a few tears. I take off the dress.

It would be a waste of money.

"How's it going?" Abby asks from the outside of my dressing room door.

"Good," I respond as I shove my clothes back on. "I'm not really feeling it."

Abby looks sad when I open the door, "why?"

"I don't know," I shrug.

She takes the dress from my hands and laces her arm through mine, "is something wrong?"

I shake my head and plaster a sweet smile on my face, "I'm kinda craving for a pretzel," I say.

"Did someone say pretzel?" Chloe asks, appearing around the corner.


Abby had to catch a cab to her fundraiser for her three hour shift tonight and Chloe had some work to get done so I chose to take a walk around the city.

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