35 | 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭

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Carter and I slept in each other's arms for another hour before the doctor came in and informed us that Carter will need to wear a cast for the next six weeks.

After that, I left the room - to which Carter whined about - to tell my mom the details. Abby left me message saying that she had to get back home to her family, but she'll see me when we get back to New York.

She decided to stay an extra week when we all return because she wants to catch up with us before she goes back to Texas.

Honestly, I think this mystery man is making her second guess her decisions. Which I'm not upset over. I love Abby and I've loved seeing her these past few weeks.

I told Chloe everything and she freaked the hell out. She even insisted on flying out here but I told her fuck no. Her mom is getting treatments done for her potential cancer diagnosis and she needs to be home.

Landon on the other hand... didn't take it well either. He also freaked the hell out. But he has to stay in New York for his journalism internship.

Carter is his best friend, so I could see why he's immediately risk the chopping of his balls to come see him.

When Carter was able to leave the hospital, my mom drove us both back home.

Now, I am arguing with Carter about weither or not showering with a cast is okay on Christmas Day.

"The doctor specifically said it was fine because it's waterproof, you idiot," I snip at him.

He slits his eyes, "well I don't remember that so how am I supposed to believe you?"

I roll my eyes in return, "just shower please and stop being difficult. I'll go make you some lunch."

Before I can turn around towards the door, Carters good hand grips my waist.

"You sure you don't wanna join me?" he smirks.

"Mhm. Of course. That broken wrist of yours does wonders I'm sure," I say, my voiced laced with sarcasm.

"You know what? Out," he snips with a grin he attempts to hide before opening the door and slamming my ass out of it.

I make my way downstairs towards the kitchen where my mother sits on her laptop at the counter.

"Hey," I sigh. We haven't talked one-on-one since the entire argument two days ago. The air between us has shifted awkwardly since then.

"You making lunch?" she asks, her eyes still glued to her screen.


"Honey, I wanted to talk to you," my mother says. She pulls of her glasses as she looks at me. I lather mayo onto the bread for Carters sandwich and avoid eye contact with her.

"About what?"

"Do not play dumb with me," my mother says.

I don't respond. I can't respond. The words have left my mouth.

"Mandy," my mother sighs. I place the top slice of bread on the sandwich as she speaks. "I love you so much. You're my daughter. And I agree-" she pauses, taking in a deep breath, "that there are some things I may not have done right when you were younger."

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