30 | 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞

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I've been dreading this trip home for a while now. Actually, I've been dreading it even more since I invited Carter.

I have no idea what my mother will think of Carter, or act in his presence, or even act towards me.

Carter is an amazing guy. I love him. But my mother? I'm not sure if that'll be enough to please her.

We spoke briefly on the phone yesterday. I told her what time I'd land and be home.

What I didn't tell her was I have my insanely attractive, pre-med, well-mannered boyfriend tagging along with me.

The flight was quicker than usual but that was also due to my distraction thanks to Carters deck of cards.

He even brought a coloring book which he colored in while he drank his soda.

When we landed, snow was falling lightly. I love coming back home but I love New York. It's my home and forever will be, no matter what my mother tells me.

She used to think I couldn't make it on my own in such a big city. She used to tell me how it was too fast paced and I would hate it.

She was wrong.

But now, back in my quaint town, with people driving cars and not cabs, kids playing in the snow and not on the sidewalks, and everyone smiling at each other instead of flipping off one another, I realize how nice it is to return to the place you grew up.

Carter grabs my suitcases and places them in the trunk of our Uber. The snow falls on his dark hair and his nose turns the smallest shade of pink.

He grabs my mitten covered hand, kisses it, and opens the door for me to slide in first.

"I'm excited to meet your family," he says. "Well, your mom," he corrects himself. I can't help but smile.

There's no one else I would've brought with me but him.

"Yeah I know, I just don't know how she'll react," I cringe.

"I'm sure she'll like me. I mean, she is your mother and your her daughter and I managed to win over your heart so I think I can win over hers, right?"

I nod to soothe him of his worries. He's adorable and if my mother doesn't like him, then she doesn't have to see me.

We drive through my town from the airport and I show Carter all the places I love going and grew up going to.

When we stop in front of my house, my heart drops to my stomach and my gut feels like gross green slime. I feel sick and I'm so nervous. I haven't felt this way since my first boyfriend walked me to the door when I was fifteen and my mother proceeded to give him the "talk."

I was horrified.

Carter opens the door first as the driver opens the drunk, emptying it with our luggage. We grab it and head for the door.

My heart is pounding against my rib cage at this point. Maybe it was too soon? It has only been a month since I even met Carter, maybe it's too much.

But when my mother opens the door and sees me, her brown eyes immediately go to Carter and I know I can't go back now.

"Mom," I greet. She looks at me, her eyes full of confusion, then back to Carter, who is completely silent.

"Mandy," my mother says, looking at Carter. She doesn't give a judgmental expression like I thought, but rather, an expression of confusion.

"Who is this?" She asks.

"This is Carter," I say, my chest growing heavier, "my boyfriend from New York." Maybe I should've told her he existed first. This was a huge mistake on my part.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Ivy," Carter says. His breath is visible from the cold as he hold out his hand. My mother hesitates.

But to my surprise, she takes it. And firmly shakes it.

"Call me Kathy," my mother says. Katherine Ivy, which I wanted to call her but when I did, it always resulted in an argument.

I am so shocked. She didn't scream at him? Or give him disgusted looks? She likes him?!

"Pleasure to meet you," Carter says with one of his charming smiles. To my surprise again, my mother smiles again.

"Come on in, it's cold outside."

We grab our cases again and walk inside. The familiar smell of cinnamon and lavender fills my nose.

I lead Carter upstairs to my old bedroom which my mother turned into a guest room when I moved out. None of my old things are in there anymore.

"That was weird," I whisper to Carter when we're in the room.

He takes off his jacket leaving him in a black hoodie that defines his sexy arms, "what do you mean?"

I run my fingers through my hair, "I mean she's never been like that towards anybody. Especially my past boyfriends."

Carter sighs and walks over to me. I look at myself in my mirror hung on the wall, fixing my wind and snow blown hair. His arms wrap themselves around my torso. The familiar gesture of intimacy makes my stomach warm.

I love it when he holds me like this.

"Gorgeous, calm down," he kisses my cheek, "everything is going well."

"I know, I know," I assure, "I'm just so confused."

He nods. His eyes meet mine in the mirror and a smile forms on his lips, "just stay beautiful and let me do the talking, okay? I got this covered."

I release a deep breath and nod my head. Carters got this. I trust him. He'll work it out.

"But later," he whispers, "I want some attention for all of that talking."

His lips trace their way up my neck leaving delicate kisses in their wake. My breath hitches and I want to lean my head back but I push him off.

"Carter!" I whisper-shout, "we're at my moms house!"

He smirks at me, "so?"

I stand there appalled. He walks towards me and puts his hands on my waist, "we can stay quiet, can't we?"

A blush heats my cheeks but I attempt to hide my face from him. He's relentless.

"Amanda!" My mother chirps from downstairs. I groan and smack my head against Carters chest.

He chuckles, "let's go."

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