5 | 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛

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I've been hanging around Chloe for the past hour, dancing to music here and there, and sipping on some of her beer.

The frat house was exactly as I expected. A gross ass two story house with a bunch of dudes who only care about getting laid.

Every corner there are people either making out or chugging from kegs. It's too much for me, i'll admit.

I'd rather crawl into bed with a box of Lucky Charms and read a book.

Or get run over by a cab. Both work for me.

"Want some cherry vodka?" Chloe shoves my shoulder near the bar station where the alcohol is laid out. "No thanks!" I yell over the music.

Can someone turn this horrible shit down?

I feel a migraine start to form in my head. I've been to parties but this is just obnoxiously bad.

"I'm gonna go pee!" I yell over to her, "want me to come with?" She asks, taking a sip from her cup.

"No I'm good. Just watch your drink, okay?" I start to walk away and she nods her head.

I make my way down a beige hallway with awards hung on the walls in search for the bathroom. I stop a blonde, who looks like she's in one of my classes.

"Do you know where the bathroom is?" I ask her. She blinks slowly, clearly intoxicated. "Uh yeah, take a left down there," she points down the hall.

"Are you okay?" I try to ask, but she's already walking away from me.

Okay then.

I push some doors, which are all locked, until one pushes open with a light on and my eyes land on a toilet.


Before I can step in, a door opens behind me.

I'm forcefully pushed into the wall with complete shock as the laughter of guys fill my ears.

"Get the hell off me!" I yell as I push against a hard back. The guy turns around with a drunken smile on his face.


"Shit, I'm sorry," he says, holding his hands in front of his face in defeat.

I stay silent and turn to the bathroom. The guy grabs my wrist as his friends laugh and walk away.

"I'm Sam." My eyebrows raise.

"And I didn't ask,"I fire backed.

"What's your problem?" Sam raises his voice. His bloodshot eyes make his pupils look so dilatated I can't even make out the color.

"I have to use the bathroom and you just pushed me into a fucking wall," I push my wrist out of his grip, "goodbye." I slam the door in his face.

Men. Gross.

I do my business, wash my hands, and check my hair.

Time to go find Chloe.

I just hope I don't walk into the living room and see her dancing on a table topless. That shit would be my last straw.

I open the door and walk out the hallway only to be surprised, again, by this Sam guy waiting in the hallway for me.

For the love of God what does he want?

"Hey uh- I'm sorry about-" I walk away before he can even finish. This ass doesn't know how to start a sincere apology at all.

The first words were so pathetic, I almost pulled his dick off and had him wailing in the hallway.

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