III: To Save My Sister

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As the Tardis came to a stop, my hands seemed to loosen in their grip on the rail. As everything was still, I didn't need it. "Where are we now...?" I asked him as I went to pick up my bag. I had dropped it when I needed to hold onto the rail, it was a little heavy and I didn't want it hanging on my arm for long.

"I'd leave that here, might slow you down." I heard him tell me. "You wouldn't want to be slowed down now, would you...?"

"My life is in this bag." I told him. My books, my notebook, my phone.

"Even more reason to leave it." He told me. "Wouldn't want to lose it, would you...?"

"Fine...." I told him as I joined him at the door, leaving my bag on the floor. He opened the door to a familiar sight. "Wait...." I told him as we stepped out of the box. "This is...."

"Know this place...?" He questioned me.

"My sister, Rose, works here." I told him. "Wait...." I stated as I noticed that it was closed, even the lights were off. "Are we going in there...? We're gonna break in...?"

"Not so much as break in." He stated, emphasizing the word 'break'.

"Then what...?" I asked him, only for him to pull me along to the side of the building.

He looked around, making sure it was only us, before he pulled out a small cylinder device. He pressed a button as he pointed it to a nearby door. The lock fell off as the door slightly opened, nothing keeping it locked in place.

"Not breaking anything, eh...?" I asked him as I looked at the lock.

"Easily repairable, even a monkey could do it." He told me before we entered the building.

We walked through the empty halls, with each step my fear seemed to grow as we went further and further into the dark.

"You alright...?" He asked me as we now wandered through the halls in the basement. We were both on edge as we looked around but I definitely showed it more than he did, a lot more. "Scared of the dark...?"

"No...." I told him. "Not of it." I then looked around as we neared what looked like a person standing still. I quickly reached my hand out only to find that it was a jacket on a hanger. "What could be in it."

"Lots of things can hide in the dark." I heard him tell me. "People, mice, flies, lots of different things."

As he listed some things, my mind seemed to fill with horrible things as well. Thieves, killers, monsters.... "Anything." I stated as I tried to hurry my list of dangers with good thoughts. Bunnies, kittens, puppies, flowers...bees.... "No, not helping...certainly not...." I stated as I slowly shook my head, as if to shake my worries away. "Not helping...."

We entered a small room, an office I think. The Doctor immediately started poking around on the control panel near the wall. My attention; however, caught a nearby chair. I turned it around, slowly, only for whoever was sitting in it to fall to the ground. I covered my mouth as if to muffle my shriek as I looked at the body. "Is-Is he...?" I started to ask only for my voice to trail off as I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Yes." He told me as he examined the body.

I let out a shaky breath as I turned away from the body. I couldn't stand to see it. Once he finished searching the room, we left...thankfully....

As we walked further along, I began to hear a voice as it echoed down the hall. At first, I couldn't make out what it was saying but I knew that voice. What is it doing here...? At this time...? Wasn't she supposed to have left work by now...?

"Rose...?" I asked, first to myself quietly. "Rose...!" Then again with a bit of worry yet keeping my voice slightly hushed.

"Come on!" He said as we rushed towards the voice, towards Rose. All the while trying to keep as quiet as possible.

When we reached Rose, she was surrounded by these mannequins. I stopped just short while the Doctor, at least that's what I remember him saying his name was, grabbed hold of Rose's hand and pulled her away from the mannequins. I rushed along them as he grabbed my arm with his other hand to cause me to turn around and run away faster than I would have.

"Emily...?" Rose questioned as she saw me.

"Not now...!" I shouted as we ran into a service lift. The Doctor managed to get it to shut just as one of the mannequins stuck it's hand through the door, getting it pulled off in the process.

"You pulled his arm off...." I heard Rose tell the Doctor.

"Yep!" The Doctor stated as he tossed it to her. "Plastic."

"It's not gonna try and kill us, is it...?" I asked him as I looked, worriedly, at the arm that Rose now held.

"It shouldn't." The Doctor told me, not very reassuringly.

"What's going on...?!" I heard Rose ask us. "This is a trick, isn't it...? Very nice, nice trick. Who are they then...students...?" She then looked at me. "You're in on it, aren't you...?"

"This isn't a trick!" I told her. She looked into my eyes, she could tell I was telling the truth. I could now see a bit of fear in hers.

"Is this a student thing or what...?" Rose asked us, almost pleading with her eyes that it was the former and not the latter.

"Why would they be students...?" The Doctor asked her, questioningly.

"I don't know." Rose told us as she tried to think about why she said that.

"Well, you said it." The Doctor stated. "Why students...?"

"Cos, to get that many people to dress up and be silly." Rose told us. "They've got to be students...right...?"

"That makes sense, well done." The Doctor told her, a bit sarcastically but the sarcasm was barely noticeable at the moment.

"Thanks." Rose stated as she calmed down a bit, not by much.

"So...not students...." I told her as I dragged the 'o' out in the word 'so'.

"Whoever they are, when Wilson finds them he's going to call the police." I heard Rose tell us.

"Who's Wilson...?" The Doctor asked her.

"Chief Electrician...." I stated, my voice soft. We were in his office earlier. He was who we found dead.

"Wilson's dead." The Doctor informed her as if it was nothing.


Word Count: 1112

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