XV: An Explosive Chat

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I sat on one of the twin beds in the hotel room that Sol and I had rented out for the night, mainly so we could both have a place to rest and have a private talk. Sol soniced the room as she checked to make sure that our discussion would only be ours before she sat down on the other twin bed, parallel to the one that I sat on.

"What do you want to know...?" Sol asked me as she looked into my eyes. I was about to say something when she opened her mouth back up and started talking once again. "Oh, and before you ask...no, I will not tell you everything...even not what the Doctor's and my species is. So you best get anything even remotely close to that out of your head."

"You just told me that you're the same species as him." I stated, a small smile on my face.

"That's hardly a spoiler." Sol informed me. "You still don't know what we are."

"Alright...fine." I told her before a thought crossed my mind. At the cafe, she said that she had currently been trusting me with her life even though we were just ordering food...and I highly doubt she meant the food. "What did you say at the cafe...? How were you trusting me with your life...? We've hardly done anything dangerous."

"No comment...next question." Sol told me.

"Sol...." I told her, very scoldingly. "You said you'd give me answers."

"Did I...?" Sol asked me, playing dumb. "I did say that I wouldn't answer some things."

"Just why...?" I interrogated her.

"Major spolier, you...you aren't even remotely old enough to know that just yet." Sol tried to tell me, I could smell the bs on her voice...or maybe that was because of what she ate...I didn't quite know.

I let out a huff of breath as I reached my hand into my purse and pulled out the sonic that she had given me. "So...." I asked her before I looked at my sonic. "What all can this do...? How does it work...? Does it have any settings...?" I was actually quite interested in it. It didn't look like it was that hard to use by how I watched both Sol and the Doctor use them.

"It has a couple of settings, I programmed about 30 or so, give or take, into it's memory." Sol told me as she tried to take the sonic from my hands. However, I was a bit too quick as I brought it closer to my face as I pretended to be very interested in its design. "Mostly it's point and think, then press the button. If the device can do it...then it does it."

"What does the first setting do...?" I curiously asked the girl, making my voice seem as innocent as possible.

"I wouldn't use it in here, that's for sure." Sol told me, quite cautiously.

"Then why don't you tell me what I want to know...?" I threatened her, my hand close to the devices button. She tried to reach out for it only for me to stand up from the bed and back away from her.

"Oh...don't threaten me...." Sol told me, her voice going dark. "Don't you dare!"

"Then why can't you tell me...?" I asked her, wanting to know these answers.

"Because I can't...!" Sol argued back before she leaped at me, aiming to take my sonic back from me. "Now give me that...!"

As I held the sonic, my finger slipped onto the button as a humming noise blared as the breaking of glass sounded through the room. Only...it was much more intense than the hum of Sol's sonic. I dropped the device as I covered my ears, quickly finding something wet around my ears, as I sank to the ground. Once the sonic hit the ground, it stopped its assault. Only...that didn't stop my headache...not in the slightest.

"I told you not to do that." Sol told me as she picked up my sonic from off the ground. "Your thoughts were everywhere so of course the sonic dispersed the sound everywhere." She then knelt down in front of me before she placed the sonic back in my bag. "Are you hurt...?"

"Not obvious, isn't it...?" I asked, my voice a bit low and also filled with sarcasm. After all, how could I not be hurt after that...? How could I not even look like I'm hurt after that...especially not with my hands pressed against my temples as it felt like I was hit by a freight car.

"Here...let me see." Sol told me as she took my hands off of my head, which seemed to make my head hurt even more as I closed my eyes for a second. "It's a wonder how you're even still conscious." I reopened my eyes as Sol placed her hands on the side of my head. "Sorry." She told me as her face instantly looked very sad yet I didn't know what she was sorry for....

Maybe for not being fast enough to get the sonic from my heads so I never set off that sound.... Although...even then I somehow knew that that's not what she had meant. I could see a golden glow in the corners of my vision as my head started to hurt less, to which I was grateful for. A yawn escaped my lips as Sol still had her hands on the side of my head.

"I'm so sorry...." Sol told me once more as my vision started to blur before my head dove into the depths of oblivion.

~~~Sol Lunae~~~

Tears streamed down my face as I took my hands from the now unconscious Emily. I told myself I wouldn't, couldn't, bring myself to do this but then she...she didn't know how to just stop.... I suppose I couldn't blame her...I only wished I remembered doing that but...maybe this is why I don't remember. Why did I do that...? I never wanted to have my memories erased...not again...and I just....

I backed up from the girl as I set her down on the bed before I pulled out my silver and golden swirled sonic. I brought it to life as I aimed it around the room, the glass that was now on the floor decided to mend itself back into the windows. It now looked like nothing had happened...good...perfect.... I then placed the sonic back into the bag around my waist before I sat down at the small table in the corner of the room.

I folded my arms on top of the table's surface before I laid my head on top of them. I wasn't sleepy but I was tired.... Maybe I used a bit too much energy to heal Emily's wounds. I thought as I closed my eyes.


Word Count: 1163

The Story of Emily EvansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora