XXVIII: Sharing Is Caring

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I could hear shots in the distance as I ran, the terrain all around me seemed slightly blurred out. However, what I could make of it...it didn't look like Earth and the shots didn't come from any type of weapon I knew on Earth. It sounded like the crackling of energy. The blurred planet held traces of red, an orange sky, and I think...two suns.... And yet...I ran...I feared for my life.... As I ran, I caught a strand of hair as it fell into my face...it was a platinum white. My hair wasn't that color...so why was it now...?

I woke up to a dark room, I quickly turned on the lights as I got up out of bed. I went into my adjoining bathroom, took a look into the mirror. My hair was the same color as ever...a honey brown. I let out a sigh of relief...good.... Which meant that I didn't need to run for my life...I wondered why I was in the dream.... If I could call it a dream...if felt more like watching, being in, a memory covered by a layer of film. It felt too realistic to've possibly been a dream. I splashed water along my face before I climbed back in bed...clearly exhausted from all the tests the Doctor had done last night. He wanted to make sure that everything was perfectly fine with me. Everything...I couldn't think of a test he didn't try to put me through. Blood tests, x-rays, fitness and flexibility, sight, hearing...even a memory test. I passed them all with flying colours...at least considering what I'd been through in the last couple days. Which probably only added to me having that dream.... dreaming about running away from my problems...from something with a need to kill me.... I didn't want to think about it anymore as I closed my eyes. Hopefully it won't restart...or continue from whichever dream I had last had.

When I woke up once again, I was happy that I didn't have any more dreams...that I could remember. You technically dream every night...but most times you just don't remember your dreams...and that is a totally normal, typical, case of amnesia. I got up from bed, unwrapped my burn...which you could barely even tell had been a serious burn before I cleaned it up. I still didn't like when I, or someone, touched it. After I cleaned it, I wrapped it back up in some clean cloth...throwing the used cloth away.

I then got dressed, putting on a plain white tee and some comfy trousers. I then slipped on some dark grey sneakers before I walked into the main control room. I wasn't really surprised when I noticed that the Doctor was already in here...although Rose was nowhere to be found. "Where's Rose at...?" I asked him, easily gaining his attention.

"In the kitchen, where you should be." The Doctor told me as if I were a little kid...which I suppose I was...I was only 16 after all....

"Oh...so you do have a kitchen." I told him, acting surprised.

"You think I live in here, without a kitchen...?" The Doctor seemed to ask me.

"Nor a bedroom." I told him. "You've seen both mine and Rose's but neither one of us has once seen you even head to yours."

"I don't need as much sleep as Humans...maybe an hour, two at most every few days." He told me as he came around the console, if only so that the console didn't separate us. "I'd mainly only sleep for a long period of time should I simply want to after after I've regenerated."

Regenerated...I repeated the word in my mind...I then remembered the future Doctor telling me that that was what they called it. His ability to be able to cheat death...must be nice.... I didn't push the conversation anymore.

"Must be nice, not having to sleep so much." I told him, instead.

"Eh...it get's boring." He told me. "Really fast if you're me." My eyes seemed to trail along his figure before they stopped on his shirt, it was ripped...I couldn't believe I didn't see it sooner.

"Doctor...!" I suddenly scolded him as I placed my hands to my hips. "Did you go on an adventure without Rose and I...?"

"I got bored." Was his simple reply.

"That wasn't a 'no'." I pointed out to him, only for him to slightly chuckle. "What's so funny...?"

"It's just...you remind me of someone I used to know...." At that, his expression grew a bit sad before he shook himself out of him, his gaze now focused on me. "Come on, I'll lead you to the kitchen."

When we got to the kitchen, we found Rose elbow deep in ice cream. "Really...?" I asked her. "You're eating ice cream...for breakfast."

"Just cause mum wouldn't let you do it doesn't mean that I can't." Rose informed me. "Besides...do you see her anywhere here...?"

"Then I suppose I could eat ice cream for breakfast as well." I told her before I darted towards Rose and stole her ice cream.

"Oh, no you don't." Rose told me as she chased after me, only for me to slip and fall on the floor...on a stray napkin of anything...it was the only one on the floor as well. Rose started laughing and I just started eating her ice cream...sitting on the floor.

"Emily...?" The Doctor asked me, a bit concerned about me. "Are you alright...?"

"No...." I complained to him, my voice low. I was fine...nothing felt broken...or each ached. "I...I think I'm accident prone...."

"You think...?" Rose asked me, continuing her laughter as she walked over towards the fridge and grabbed a tub of yogurt. She was no doubt remembering everything I've ever done that involved me hurting myself, though not seriously. If it was one of the more serious times, she wouldn't be laughing.

"Are you really...?" The Doctor asked me, I made no move to try and get up from the floor as I ate the ice cream.

"Maybe just a bit...." I told him...biggest understatement of the century.... The Doctor helped me up before he walked me over to the table and I sat down, continuing to eat Rose's, now mine, ice cream. I looked up at him as he watched me. "Not gonna eat anything...?"

"I'm not that hungry." He told me, simply.

"No." I told him, which seemed to spark his interest as he looked at me. I grabbed the spoon I had taken from Rose when I stole her ice cream and put a big scoop on it before I handed it to him. "Here, eat." I more so ordered him.

"I'm supposed to be telling you to eat." The Doctor told me. "You're still just a bit malnourished...nothing a good meal, or three, won't fix."

"Here...!" I told him, I insisted as I held out the spoon. He took it before he started to eat the ice cream on it. I lightly laughed as I looked at him, he had ice cream all over his nose now. "Hey...!" I told him before I grabbed a napkin and used it to wipe off his face, dabbing off the ice cream from his nose. As I did so, we locked eyes...if only for a second. I slightly blushed before I looked away...sitting back down in my chair. Rose tossed me another spoon, which I somehow managed to catch, before the Doctor and I shared the rest of the tub of ice cream I had stolen.


Word Count: 1300

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