XXVI: Earth's End

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"Earth Death in two minuets, Earth Death in two minuets." A robotic voice could be heard over the speakers as we raced against the clock. We eventually made our way to the room with the exhaust fans, only they were spinning faster than before. "Heat levels critical, heat levels critical."

"Oh...." The Doctor stated once we got to the room, quickly looked around for something before his eyes landed on it. "And guess where the switch is." The Doctor then motioned towards the switch, it was just past the fans.

"Heat levels rising." The annoying robotic voice could be heard from the speakers.

The Doctor looked at a lever near where the fan's start, he pulled it down and the fans slowed. He released it before he started to walk towards the fans but they sped up, dramatically. He stopped just before the fans.

"External temperature five thousand degrees. "The robotic voice of the speakers stated.

I tried to grab the same lever to pull it down but I couldn't get it but halfway down...it was heavier than I thought. Jabe grabbed the lever with me to help me force it back down and the fans slowed. The Doctor then turned back to look at us.

"You can't." The Doctor told Jabe. "The heat's going to vent through this place."

"I know." Jabe told him.

"Jabe, I can keep it down." I told her.

"You could barely get it halfway." Jabe told me. "You need me."

"Jabe, you're made of wood." The Doctor pointed out to her.

"Then stop wasting time, Time Lord." Jabe told the Doctor. The Doctor hurried then hurried to the fans, easily getting past the first fan.

Time Lord, why did that sound so familiar even though I had never heard the term before today.

"Heat levels rising, heat levels rising." The robotic voice chimes out, I tried to tune it out. I didn't need it, didn't want it, right now.

I watched as the Doctor looked towards us, worriedly before he glanced at Jabe. I looked towards her, her hand was trying to catch on fire. "Jabe...!" I told her, glancing down at her hand. It definitely didn't help the burning sensations on my hand from where I grabbed at the metal. "Please, you need to go."

"But I can help." Jabe told me.

"And you're gonna die, please." I begged of her. "Just go."

"But everyone else." She tried to tell me.

"Wouldn't want to see you die." I pointed out to her. "Go...I can do this."

Jabe let go of the lever, it slipped out of my hands. I looked towards the Doctor, he was past the second fan and onto the third, which was going so very fast. Jabe tried to come back over to the lever but I swatted at the fire on her hand, putting it out.

"Run...!" I yelled, no ordered, her...and she ran from the room. I placed my hand back on the lever only to immediately take it back off with a yelp of pain. It felt red hot...far too hot for me to touch, never mind to hold onto.

"Emily...!" I heard the Doctor yell as I pulled my hand back to my chest.

"I...I'll be fine!" I told him as I took my jacket off. I then placed it on the lever, hopefully it wouldn't be too hot now. I placed my hands on the lever and pushed...but I couldn't get it more than halfway down. I released the lever before I pulled it back down, thing time something clicked, as if blocking it. I looked at the lever, the screws on the base were slowly melting and molding into the lever. "No, no, no...." I told myself as I looked at it. My jacket then slipped off the lever. I tried to grab it but my already hurt hand slipped back onto the hot metal of the lever.

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