XII: A Far Away Call

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After Sol and I left the shop, we decided to go back to the park so we could play with our hover toys. At that, I was a little scared as the last time I even tried to skate...I had fractured my ankle. At least Sol said that this would be safer than roller skating...hopefully. I wanted to trust her words but then again...I hardly knew her. Which made me think back to the Doctor, I hardly knew him and I went with him. So...why can't I do the same with Sol...?

Once back at the park, Sol helped me put the vest on as she made sure that I knew how it was supposed to go. Then, after that, she helped me to secure my hover skates. I had to take my shoes off in order to put the skates on, so they now sat idly on the bench next to me. The skates seemed to fit me perfectly and while off, they just looked like high tech boots.

"What about my shoes...?" I asked Sol as I looked at them. "I can't hardly leave them on the bench, now can I...?"

"I wouldn't recommend leaving things behind." Sol told me. "Your bag is like mine...isn't...?"

At that, I just gave her a blank stare. "Like yours...how...?" I asked her.

"Like a bottomless pit...?" Sol asked me. "So long as you can fit the object inside the opening, you can fit it inside the bag."

"It does seem a bit...like a void." I told her as I unzipped my bag. I then picked up one of the shoes and angled it so that it would fit into the bag, it dropped right in. "Wow...just how big is it...?"

"It's quite roomy." Sol responded. "I haven't found the max limit of my bag just yet."

"Ok but...." I told her as I thought about it. My bag's quite spacious...just how much...? And how would I even get out a specific item...? "How do I pull something out of it...? If it's so big I can't see the bottom."

"It's a bit telepathic, it gives you what you are looking for." Sol responded. "If it's in the bag. Try it."

I reached my hand into the bag, thought about an item, and ended up pulling out my sonic. I placed the sonic back into my bag and reached for another item, pulling out my phone. I looked at the screen before I noticed a missed message, lots of missed messages and calls, from Rose.

"How could she be calling me...?" I asked aloud to no one in particular, only for Sol to perk an ear up. "Wait...." I thought back to when the Doctor said that he had upgraded my phone. "Of course...he said it could now call anyone in time and space...how could I forget...?"

"Forget what...?" Sol asked me, a bit curious.

"I gotta call someone." I told her as I stood up from the bench and walked a couple feet away from Sol. "I'll just be over here...alright...?"

"Don't say too much...!" Sol told me just before I hit the button that would let me call back Rose.

"I'll try not to!" I called out towards Sol just before Rose had answered the phone. "Umm...hey...." I told Rose over the phone, not knowing what else I could've possibly said.

"Oh...Emily...you're alright...aren't you...?" Rose's voice came through the phone. "Of course you're alright, you're calling me."

"Y-yeah...for the moment." I told Rose.

"For the moment...?" Rose asked me, confused. "What do you mean for the moment...?!"

"Just-" I started to say something only to be cut off, by the Doctor who was with Rose. She either handed him the phone, he took it from her, or she had it so that they could both talk to me at the same time.

"Ok Emily...what did you do...?" The Doctor asked me over the phone. "Where are you...? Are you alright...?"

"I didn't do anything...!" I told him, at least I don't think I did anything. No...I didn't. "The Tardis has a mind of its own, my locket lit up, this light swirled around the Tardis's console. Then poof...! I ended up on the 22nd century Earth and couldn't do anything to get back! Not that I even know how to work the Tardis in order to even get back. And just back to where...? I don't even know what year you guys are at...."

"Are you currently in the Tardis...?" He asked me, cutting of my rambling.

"No, I took a walk around this park. The Tardis landed itself in a park. Just an ordinary, boring, park." I told him, as if that would've eased the worriedness I heard in his tone. "Trust me, I've looked around, there isn't nearly anything interesting to be had here. I mean...besides from the advanced technology and some people missing-."

"Listen to me very carefully." The Doctor told me, which caused me to lean my ear just a bit more towards my phone. "Go back into the Tardis, I'll tell you how to get back...wait...a moments ago...did you say your locket lit up...? Did it open...?"

"What...?" I asked him, a bit confused. We've been over this...haven't we...? "My locket's broken, it won't open. I've already told you this."

"Right...yeah...." He told me. "Then sorry...just ignore that. Now...back at the Tardis yet...?"

"No." I told him, I haven't even so much as took a step in the direction of where I had left the Tardis.

"Then what are you waiting for...?" He asked me, he sounded a little bit mad...or was he annoyed...?

"The Tardis locked me out and I don't exactly have a key either." I informed him.

"Why would she go and do that...?" He asked, a little confused as he referred to the Tardis.

"I don't know." I answered. "But this girl seems to think that I have some sort of reason to be here, even if it may be small, even if it isn't yet known to me."

"Girl...what girl...who are you with...?!" The Doctor asked, more like demanded, me. His tone was a bit concerned as he wanted, no needed, to know the answers to his questions.

I didn't know what to say to that, so I just looked towards Sol, who was watching me as I talked on the phone, and mouthed the words: 'should I'.

"Do what...?" Sol asked, barely loud enough for me to hear her as she got up from the bench and walked over here.

"He wants to know who I'm with." I told Sol. "The Doctor." I specified, as if he couldn't have been the only one to call me. Which, he technically isn't the only able to call me.... "And you said not to say too much."

"Emily, who are you talking to...?" The Doctor asked over the phone once again but I ignored him as Sol motioned for me to give her the phone. So I did.

~~~3rd POV~~~

"Nine...Nine, Nine, Nine." Sol seemed to say into the phone, just before the Doctor had taken Rose's phone off of its speaker setting. "It's alright. I'm not gonna do anything to her."

The number nine floated through the Doctors head as a wave of nostalgia hit him. There was only one person who ever spoke to him like that but...there's no way.... That's impossible.... "And just how could I trust you...? Believe what you say...?"

"Because you know me, Nine." Sol replied. "You know that I keep my word, for my word means nothing should it ever break."

"How did you...?" The Doctor questioned Sol, as he now realized just who he was talking to.

"You know how." Sol replied, her tone went a little dark. She then looked at Emily, who could only hear Sol's side of the conversation. "Just keep her safe...won't you...?" With that, Sol hung up the phone and handed it back to Emily, who stashed it back into her bag.

"So...?" Emily asked Sol, wanting to know how the conversation she had had just went.

"Why don't we start skating...yeah...?" Sol asked Emily, not really wanting to tell Emily about her conversation with a past regeneration of the Doctor.


Word Count: 1407

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