XLVII: Every Beginning Has An Ending

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Our celebration seemed to be short lived as we all heard Mickey's voice over the speaker once again. "Listen to this!"

"Our inspectors have searched the sky above our heads..." Spoke the voice of the traitorous Prime Minister. "...and they have found massive weapons of destruction capable of being deployed within 45 seconds."

"What...?" The Doctor seemed to ask, confused...as was I.

Just when exactly did that happen...? When did they put up the 'massive weapons of destruction'...? The Tardis didn't seem to pick up on any when we were in there.

"Our technicians can baffle the alien probes...but not for long." The voice of the Prime Minister stated. "We are facing extinction unless we strike first! The United Kingdom stands directly beneath the belly of the mothership. I beg of the United Nations...pass an emergency resolution. Give us the access codes. A nuclear strike at the heart of the beast is our only chance of survival because from this moment on...it is my solemn duty to inform you...planet Earth is at war."

"He's making it up." The Doctor immediately told us. "There's no weapons up there."  He then walked around the table in the center of the room. "There's no threat...he just invented it."

"Do you think they'll believe him...?" Harriet asked him.

"Well...they did last time." Rose told her.

"That's why the Slitheen went for spectacle." The Doctor told us as he started walking for the room's door. "They want the whole world panicking 'cause you lot...you get scared...you lash out."

"They release the defense codes...." Rose started to say.

"And the Slitheen go nuclear." The Doctor told her.

"But why...?" Harriet asked him.

"Why else...?" I asked her, still sitting at the table. "They probably get something out of it...people have done a lot more for a lot less...." As I spoke, the Doctor opened the cover for the button near the door before he pressed it. The metal doors came open to show a group of Slitheen waiting on the other side.

"You get the codes...release the missiles." The Doctor told them, wasting no time. "But not into space 'cause there's nothing there. You attack every other country on Earth, they retaliate...fight back. World War Three...whole planet gets nuked."

"And we sit through it...safe in our spaceship waiting in the Thames." A Slitheen, who was still in their disguise stated. "Not crashed...just parked. Barely two minutes away."

"But you'll destroy the planet...this beautiful place." Harriet told the Slitheen. "What for?"

"Profit." The Doctor was quick to answer. "That's what the signal is, beaming into space...an advert."

"Sale of the century." The Slitheen responded. "We reduce the Earth to molten slag...then sell it. Piece by piece...radioactive chunks capable of powering every cut-price starliner and budget cargo ship. There's a recession out there, Doctor...people are buying cheap...this rock becomes raw fuel."

"At the cost of five billion lives." The Doctor told the Slitheen.

"Bargain." The Slitheen responded.

"I give you a choice...leave this planet or I'll stop you." The Doctor told the Slitheen.

The Slitheen seemed to laugh. "What? You?" The Slitheen seemed to ask him. "Trapped in your box?"

"Yes. Me." The Doctor told the Slitheen before he shut the metal doors closed once more.

We seemed to spend the entire night there in that room in Downing Street...or at least the rest of the night. Least to say...I wasn't really feeling too good as my mind was tired and my body was tense and sore. Yet I couldn't get to sleep...it seemed impossible to with my mind racing. A part of me didn't want to fall asleep...as I knew that should I fall asleep...I wouldn't wake up so easily. Now was not the time nor place to go comatose...which is what I would be while my mind and body healed itself.

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