IV: An Explosive Situation

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"That's not funny...!" Rose told us as we exited the lift. "That's sick!"

"Hold on." The Doctor told her as he placed his hands on her shoulders. "Mind your eyes."

"I've had enough of this now." Rose told us, quite annoyed at the situation that she barely even knows about. I barely even know what's going on myself. Just that the Earth's plastic have suddenly come to life and is trying to kill people.

"You and me both." I mumbled quietly. Although, I knew that she ment it in a different way than I did. Everything is happening so suddenly for her, as for me as well. I'm surprised but also not at the same time that this is happening, that this is real.

The Doctor used his cylinder device thing to mess with the lift's control's, a spark jumped from the panel as I jumped back from it. My eyes seemed to blink in rapid succession only for me to hit my back on the wall behind me.

"Who are you, then...? Who's that lot down there...?!" Rose asked him. He didn't answer her, so of course she set her attention on me. "Who is he...?! What's this...?!" She held up the plastic arm for me to see.

"Murderous, living, plastic." I told her the short answer. "He saved me from some after I left the library, then we came here. I know about as much as you." Maybe a tiny bit more than she does as I've been in his space-time-ship-thing - Tardis. I thought as my mind seemed to remind me what his ship was called...The Tardis....

"They're being controlled by a relay device on the roof." The Doctor told her, us, as we walked down the hall. "Which would be a great big problem if I didn't have this." He then showed off the small bomb he had made not even half an hour ago. I was really starting to debate about going with him now...yet my mind seemed to be made up.

"So, I'm going to go up there and blow them up and I might well die in the process but don't worry about me." The Doctor told us as as neared a door that lead outside. "Now, you go home. Go on. Go and have your lovely beans on toast. Don't tell anyone about this, because if you do, you'll get them killed." He then shut the door closed once Rose and I were outside.

"Wait...!" I called back after him as I reopened the door, only for him to pop his head out. "What do you mean about dying...?!"

"Don't worry about me." He told me once again. "Go on, see you soon!" He then turned back to Rose. "I'm the Doctor, by the way. What's your name?"

"Rose." Rose told him. He already knew her name thanks to me but I suppose it'd be a slight problem if a stranger knew your name and you didn't give it to them. It'd be uncomfortable, strange, borderline stalker-ish...at the very least.

"Nice to meet you, Rose." The Doctor told her before he waved his hand which held the bomb at us. "Run for your lives!"

With that, both Rose and I ran from the building, nearly being ran over by a car in the process. Only once we were what felt like a safe distance away did we turn back towards the building just in time to see it blow sky high. We didn't stop for long as we continued our run, away from the now burning building. I stopped to lean up against a nearby wall of a building beside from where the Doctor and I had left the Tardis.

"Emily...?" Rose asked me, a bit of concern in her voice. "Come on!"

"You go...I'll catch up." I told her as I caught my breath, making it seem like I was more winded than I actually was. "Oh...and please don't tell Jackie I was here."

"What...?! Why...?" Rose asked me, a little confused at my request.

"Just think about it." I told her, as if it had been obvious. "There's no real reason for me to've been here. Just say I called you from the library and told you that I'd be home late."

"Fine." Rose told me, after she considered it for a moment before she turned back to continue her run, in the opposite direction from her work.

I waited there for longer than I would've liked to as I could now hear sirens in the distance, growing ever so closer by the second. However, just as I was about to follow in Rose's footsteps to go home, I saw the Doctor leave the building as he headed towards me and the Tardis.

"Didn't leave with her...?" He asked me as he got the key out for the Tardis.

"Couldn't if I wanted to." I told him, a little jokingly. "You abducted my bag."

"Waiting for your bag...?" He asked me, almost in disbelief.

"For you as well." I told him with a smile, as if it had been obvious. "How else am I to get in...?"

With that, he opened the Tardis's doors, a small smile played on his lips. He then followed me inside before he closed the door behind us.

"Where to now...?" I asked him as he stood next to the console.

"Where do you live...?" He asked me, from out of no where it seemed. It made my blood simmer, boil, and bubble...if only a little.

"W-what...?" I asked him, suddenly a little sad and confused. "You can't just do that!"

"Do what...?" He asked me, as if he didn't know what I was saying.

"Get my hopes up." I told him. "You wanted me to go with you."

"Yes, I do." I heard him tell me. "You have a life here, you certainly can't just up and leave. Especially looking like that."

"What...?" I asked him, suddenly feeling self conscious about my clothes. There wasn't anything wrong with them. I was wearing a long sleeved white button up shirt, an open cream colored cardigan, light blue trousers, and some knee-high brown leather boots. "What's wrong with my outfit?"

"It's quite...boring." He told me, not pulling any punches. "Don't you have anything else...?"

"Yes but...I work at the library." I told him, as if that explained my whole outfit.

"Were you working...?" He then asked me as he looked at my clothes.

"No, I only work in the mornings." I told him. "I don't change clothes in the middle of the day. Besides...you're one to talk."

"What do you mean...?" He asked me before he looked at his own clothes. "They're fine."

"They're all black." I told him, mentioning their color.

"Are not." He told me, a little defiantly.

Liar. I told myself, referring to his statement. Or...maybe not entirely.... His shirt is a dark burgundy but that's pretty much all there is that wasn't black. That little argument over our clothes pretty much ended our conversation, other than me telling him where to drop me off at and him telling me where and when he was going to pick me back up. The Tardis teleported to the location I told him and I left, heading back to the flat I shared with Rose and her mother, Jackie.


Word Count: 1238

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