XXXIV: Where The Gelth Lie

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We all walked down into the basement, or the morgue as they called it. It was an open space where three bodies all laid on slabs. "Huh!" The Doctor proclaimed as we walked into the room. "Talk about Bleak House."

"Thing is, Doctor, the Gelth don't succeed." Rose told us as she looked around the room. "'Cause I know they don't. I know for a fact that corpses weren't walking around in 1869."

"Time's in flux, changing every second." The Doctor told Rose. "Your cozy little world can be rewritten like that." He then snapped his hand in the air, as if to prove a point. "Nothing is safe. Remember that. Nothing."

"But couldn't we also be the cause of something happening as well...?" I asked him. "Like say if something happen in a specific way because of us and it always happened like that because we've always went back to that specific moment and done those specific actions."

"That would be a fixed point in time and space." The Doctor told me. "Points that always happen because they were always meant to happen...and nothing can change them."

"Doctor." Charles stated, drawing our attention to him. "I think the room is getting colder." Whispers filled the air around us as the light of the gas creatures flowed to under the archway in the room.

"Here they come." Rose told us as we all looked at the creatures as they went to form a humanoid shape under the archway.

"You've come to help! Praise the Doctor! Praise him." The Gelth proclaimed as if in worship.

"Promise you won't hurt her." Rose told them but they didn't responded to what Rose had said.

"Hurry! Please! So little time. Pity the Gelth." The Gelth spoke, as if they've earned our sorrow.

The Doctor walked forwards as to be right in front of the Gelth before he next spoke while I stayed by Rose's side. "I'll take you somewhere else after the transfer." The Doctor told them, an ample bargain. If we could also do it without anyone else getting involved, then no one would know and the future would be as it always would. "Somewhere you can build proper bodies. This isn't a permanent solution, all right?"

"My angels...! I can help them live." Gwyneth stated as she looked at them.

"Okay, where's the weak point?" The Doctor asked the Gelth.

"Here, beneath the arch!" The Gelth stated before Gwyneth walked to stand just under the arch.

"Beneath the arch." Gwyneth stated as she now stood under the arch.

"You don't haft to do this." Rose told her as she ran up to her. I tried to go with Rose, if only to help console her when the Doctor placed his hand on my arm, stopping me from going any further.

I watched as Gwyneth placed her hands on Rose's cheeks as she spoke to her. "My angels." Gwyneth stated before Rose jumped back to stand beside me and the Doctor.

"Establish the bridge. Reach out to the void. Let us through!" The Gelth told Gwyneth.

"Yes!" Gwyneth instantly replied to them. "I can see you. I can see you! Come!"

"Bridgehead establishing." The Gelth seemed to say.

"Come to me." Gwyneth told them. "Come to this world, poor lost souls."

"It has begun! The bridge is made!" The Gelth stated as Gwyneth'd mouth seemed to open wide. A glowing orb seemed to come from Gwyneth's mouth before will-o'-wisps flew out into the room, with even more following suit. "She has given herself to the Gelth!" The Gelth stated as more of them flew into the room.

"Rather a lot of them, eh?" I heard Sneed say as he looked at them.

"The bridge is open. We descend." The Gelth stated, as if in answer. I stepped back as the calming blue color the Gelth showed off now transitioned into a raging red and their voice became like a monsters. "The Gelth will come through in force."

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