XIV: To Start An Argument

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Sol and I had quickly made ourselves scarce once Meanly the Meanie's friends had called the police seeing as how Meanie had at the very least a couple of broken bones. I gotta say, with a fall from that height mixed with the angle he had hit the ground...it's almost a miracle that none of his bones had broken through his skin. That would've been an unpleasant sight...I could almost vomit from just thinking about it.... So, I pushed those thoughts to the very back of my mind.

"Sol." I got the copper haired girl's attention as we walked down the city's streets, my voice a bit soft to keep the locals from overhearing our conversation. "Did you really haft to do all that...?" I asked her, referring to Meanie's ten foot drop.

"Uh...." Sol stated, a bit hesitantly, as she seemed to think about what to say. "I only meant to disable his skates...." As she spoke, she kept her eyes ahead of us and didn't look even remotely in my direction. "Honest...my sonic must have malfunctioned...it must have...." She seemed a bit too adamant about making it her sonic's fault and only her sonic's fault. "I should really recalibrate it when I get the chance...."

Sol's eyes then lingered over towards yet another shop...however this one was an outdoor cafe. She dragged me towards a table and we sat down. I quickly looked around for a waiter or something of the like only to see none.

"Isn't there supposed to be some kind of waitress or something...?" I asked Sol as I looked around. Sol and I weren't the only ones here but we were the only ones here who have yet to order any kind of food or drink. Namely because we just sat down.

"Not here." Sol told me. "The workers work inside to prepare the meals while these cute little robots bring out the food."

"Then how do we order...?" I asked Sol, only for her to press a button on the edge of the table. What looked like a projection popped up on the table's surface in front of Sol and I, about the same size as a placemat. In the center of the placemat sized projection in front of me held a vague shape of a hand. I looked at it, my mind a bit puzzled as to what it could be.

"This is how we order." Sol informed me. "Place your hand on the outline, it scans for your species and then you'll see the food they have that your species can eat."

"That's a bit cool." I informed her as I placed my hand on the outline of the hand. A line appeared on the bottom of the screen before it slowly made its way to the top of the screen. I removed my hand once the scan finished, only there seemed to be a loading screen as it circled around the middle of the screen. Did I do something wrong...? I seemed to ask myself as I looked at the slowly loading screen.

"Some times it takes a while, these." Sol informed me, she had yet to even touch the screen in front of her.

After a moment longer, the screen stopped loading as the words 'Species Identification: Human, Earth' popped up in the center of the screen. A second later a list of food and drinks then appeared on the screen.

"Can you see the list of edible food that you can eat...?" Sol asked me before I nodded my head as if to say 'yes'.

"What about you...?" I asked her, I don't think she had even tried to mess with her screen quite yet.

"Oh...um...." Sol told me as she looked at it. "I was just waiting until you got yours set up, incase you needed help." She then slowly placed her hand on the screen in front of her before a look of disappointment crossed her face. "Emily...? Could you just place your hand on my screen so we can order some food...? It won't register my species...not like I thought it would...."

"But didn't you say that some species can have food that others can't...?" I asked her. Wasn't that the whole point of this place giving you a list of food based off of what your species can eat...?

"My species isn't that far off from Humans...." Sol told me. "At least in terms of what we can and can't eat...in fact, I'd be more worried about you picking from a list of food that my species can eat. A lot of it wouldn't exactly be safe for Humans."

"Your species...." I told her. Just what was it...? "What exactly are you...? Why wouldn't it recognize you...?"

"That's a long story...." Sol told me, a darkness seemed to glint within her eyes but only for a second...and then it was gone.

"I'm not exactly going anywhere soon." I responded. "At least I think...."

"You'll find out in time, trust me." Sol responded. There was something about her, I wanted to trust her. My mind told me to trust her but I've only known her for not even a day...more like half a day.

"How can I trust you...?" I asked her. "I hardly know anything about you."

She said something that I couldn't hear, most likely just talking to herself before she turned her attention back to me. "I've known you for years, you're one of my closest friends. I'd trust you with my life.... I have trusted you with my life. I'm trusting you with it right now.... Isn't that enough...?"

"What do you mean right now...?" I asked her, a little bit confused at what she had just said. How is she currently putting her life in my hands...? The list thing...? Although something told me that that wasn't it...but I just couldn't think of the answer.

"God...!" Sol exclaimed, a little laugh escaped her lips. "I didn't know how infuriating I had been at the time...."

"Sol...tell me...please." I almost begged of her. "What are you talking about...?" I was infuriating...? She's the one being infuriating...keeping secrets from me despite stating that we were, are, close friends.

Sol's face suddenly took on a serious tone as she looked around, we were drawing attention to us. "Not here...too many eyes."

"Then where...?" I questioned her, not wanting to draw any more attention to ourselves.

"Somewhere." Sol just responded, her voice soft. "Somewhere where no one else can hear us." After that, no more was said. I placed my hand on the projection in front of Sol, loading the Human list of edible food, before we both picked out something to eat. The food was quick, but not too quick, to come out to our table and we ate in relative silence.


Word Count: 1154

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