Chapter 5

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I got my room and went downstairs trying to avoid Lulu. It's not that she did something but I don't want her to see me like this. I went into the kitchen and I bumped into something. I looked down to see Lulu, fuck.

Lulu: W-what happened to your face?

Me: Nothing, just forget about it okay.

She nodded her head and kept quiet. Thank God she's not annoying me about it.

Lulu: I-I can m-make y-you food or something.

Me: Why you always stutter? Is it a problem for you?

She shook her head.

Lulu: Y-you just s-scare me.

Me: How? When I'm the nicest person in the world (smiling).

Lulu: That's not what the News say.

Oh great now she knows who I am.

Me: So I scare you because you know who I really am?

She nodded her head and I sighed.

Me: I'm not gonna hurt you.

Lulu: I-I don't know that.

Me: I won't hurt you if you don't do anything to me. So relax, okay?

She nodded her head and continued to make me food. She finished it and gave me my plate. Damn this shit smells and looks good. As I was eating she spoke.

Lulu: Does it hurt?

Me: Does what hurt?

Lulu: Your cheek.

Me: Yeah it hurts but I cleaned it so I'll be fine.

I feel like she's gonna ask me a lot of questions from now on. As long as she talks to me, I'm good. I finished eating and I washed my plate.

Me: I'm going out, I'm gonna lock the door as always so if anyone knocks just be quiet.

She nodded her head and I left, not forgetting to put the house on lockdown. I went to Yuhan's house. I opened the door and called for her.


I heard some shuffling coming from upstairs, I bet she has a bitch up there. I saw some female coming downstairs with her clothes, what I tell y'all? Yuhan then came downstairs.

Yuhan: Damn man whatchu doing here?

Me: So now I can't see my best friend?

Yuhan: That's not what I said.

She rolled her eyes and I chuckled sitting down on the couch. She sat across from me.

Yuhan: So whatchu want bitch?

Me: I think it's time I got rid of my father.

Yuhan: About time damn (chuckling). So what's the plan?

Me: Why you think I'm here for bitch? I'm here to think with you. Now fix a blunt man.

Yuhan: Damn bully.

She got up and came back with a whole plastic of weed, I swear she's addicted to it. She sat down and fixed 2 fat blunts. She handed me on and a lighter.

Yuhan: Here you gon need this (chuckling).

I rolled my eyes taking the blunt and the lighter. She lit hers and started smoking, then I did the same. I slouched on the couch and started thinking.

Yuhan: I still think you should hire an assassin on the dark web. That shit won't even get back to you because those fuckers ain't afraid to die.

Me: Nah my fathers security is pretty tight.

Yuhan: Okay well how about poison, not that detectable shit though.

That's the smartest shit she's said all day.

Me: That's not a bad idea to be honest, I'll look into that.

Yuhan: Yeah well let's talk about your other problem (chuckling).

What the fuck is she talking about?

Me: What other problem?

Yuhan: Lulu. Man she got your ass going crazy and she ain't even let you touch her (laughing).

Me: Shut up man. This shit is serious.

Yuhan: Seriously funny to me. Okay but when you gon tap that ass?

I shrugged and laid back on the couch. For some reason I ended up thinking about Lulu. I felt myself beginning to harden. Fuck. Then I heard Yuhan snicker.

Yuhan: You thinking about her huh? That's why your dick hard (laughing).

Me: Man shut up.

I tried changing my positions to make myself comfortable again. Yuhan was laughing at me the whole time.

Me: Suck my dick.

Yuhan: Go ask Lulu (laughing).

I groaned and I got comfortable again. My phone rang and I rolled my eyes. Who the fuck is it now? I checked the caller ID and it's an unsaved number. I picked it up.

Me: The fuck do you want?

Female voice: Uh H-hakken. Someone's at the door.

I realised that it's Lulu and I quickly sat up.

Me: Whatchu mean someone's at the door?

Lulu: They've been here for a few minutes. Their not leaving Hakken.

Me: Fuck. Okay where are you right now?

Lulu: I'm upstairs in my room. In the bathroom.

Me: Okay stay there I'm on my way.

I dropped the call and got my things.

Yuhan: Yo wassup? What's going on?

Me: Someone's at my house and I think they tryna get in.

She quickly sat up and looked at me.

Yuhan: Where's Lulu?

Me: She's in her bathroom. I gotta go check it out imma be back.

Yuhan: Nah I'm coming with you, it's been a while since I shot someone (chuckling).

She got up and got her guns. We got to my car and I drove back to the house fast. I wonder who the fuck is at my house and if their ready to die?

I got there and I found Taeyhung there, suddenly my blood started boiling. I got out my car and walked over to him. When I got to him, I punched him.

Yuhan: Damn Hakken (laughing).


He spat out some blood and looked at me, then he smiled.

Taeyhung: Damn little sister, you sure can throw a punch (chuckling).

Me: You never could take a punch. Now what the fuck are you doing here?

Taeyhung: Just wanted to tell you myself that I'm leaving for Hong Kong. Father thinks it's best that I go handle our family business over while you fix your mess.

I bawled up my fists and wanted to punch the shit outta him again.

Me: Couldn't you have just called me?

Taeyhung: Nah, I just wanted to see the look on your face when I tell you and it's something I've looked forward too.

Me: Leave.

Taeyhung: Oh I tend to and I tend to see Kimiyo.

My heart started pounding, my blood started boiling, my breathing quickened and my fists bawled up tight. I bet your wondering who Kimiyo is. She's my ex girlfriend.

I found her in my bed with Taeyhung 2 years ago on our anniversary. I still haven't gotten over it yet. I charged at him and Yuhan pulled me back.

Taeyhung: Don't worry baby sister, I'll take good care of her.

He smirked at me and got in his car. He pulled my driveway and I pulled out my gun shooting his car. Once my bullets were finished he left. Fuck I thought I killed him.

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