Chapter 41

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2 months later

Well now I'm 8 months pregnant and I'm bigger than ever. I'm in the lounge watching tv with Kioara.

Kioara: I knew he was gonna kill that bitch (chuckling).

Me: Stop lying, you were so sure that she was gonna make it out of there (laughing).

Yeah we were watching a horror movie and it was funny as fuck. I then heard glass breaking which made me suspicious. It was just Kioara and I, so what could that possibly be. I got up going to the kitchen to find 4 masked men.

Masked guy 1: Get her.

Masked guy 2: Boss she's pregnant.

Masked guy 1: Do what I said.

He then grabbed me and basically dragged me into the lounge. Kioara got up only to be pushed back onto the couch.

Masked guy 2: Your not going anywhere baby girl.

I started feeling dizzy so I sat down. I held onto my stomach and started breathing slowly. Kioara noticed my breathing patterns and moved closer to me holding my stomach as well.

Kioara: Just breathe okay.

I nodded my head and focused on my breathing techniques I got from my doctor on my appointment last week.

Kioara: Who are you guys anyway?

Masked guy 1: Ask your pretty friend who I am.

Kioara looked at me and I was just as confused.

Me: I-I don't know who you are.

He took off his mask and I then realised that it was Diego.

Me: Diego?

Diego: Thought you were never gonna see me again huh?

Me: Why are you here?

Diego: I'm just doing my job of course (chuckling).

Kioara: Just take whatever you wanna take and leave.

He then looked at Kioara then at me and smirked.

Diego: Well get up and let's go.

Me: What?

Diego: Your what I came here for, get up.

He must be outta his goddamn mind if he thinks imma go anywhere with him in this state.

Diego: Well come on and let's go.

Me: I can't.

He raised his eyebrow at me.

Diego: And why not?

Kioara: Because she's in no condition to go anywhere fuckboy.

He then growled at her and rolled his eyes.

Diego: Chase help her up.

Chase: The fuck? Why I gotta do it?

Diego: Cause I said so now do it.

This Chase guy came next to me and Kioara slapped his hand away.

Kioara: Don't fucking touch her you bitch (growling).

Oop, she's been around Kimono for too long now lmao. Chase rolled his eyes and pushed Kioara off of the couch. He carefully pulled my whole body off of the couch making me stand up.

But as I stood up I felt a liquid run down my leg. Oh please no. I looked down to see that it was clear. I looked at Kioara and her eyes got wide whereas Chase was confused asf and the others were flabbergasted.

Chase: Did you just piss yourself?

Kioara: No her fucking water broke bitch.

My back started bending and I held onto my stomach. Kioara came beside me and held my stomach as well while I did my breathing techniques.

Kioara: We gotta get you to the hospital.

Chase: Nah boss I didn't sign up for this man.

Diego: Shut the fuck up you ain't going anywhere.

My contractions started kicking me in the ass man. I started releasing some groans and a few screams cause this shit was painful. Diego was panicking, you'd think he's the father.


Kiaora: YOU AINT FINNA YELL AT HER FUCKBOY!! So if you don't want this baby blood on you your gonna take us to the hospital right now.

They all looked at each other and groaned. Guess their plan didn't go as planned.

Diego: Help her into the car.

Them: But boss.....

Diego: Do as I say.

They nodded their heads and helped me into the car. My contractions were so close together, 5 minutes to be exact.

Me: C-Call H-Hakken and tell him to meet us there.

She nodded her head and got her phone out. She then called and talked to him a few minutes before dropping the call.

Kioara: He's going there right now okay?

I nodded my head and I did a lil happy dance once I saw we were at the hospital already. Kiaora ran out and I got out the car. Seconds later she came back with some male nurses and a stretcher.

I laid down on it and was pushed into the emergency room. They cut my pants and underwear off. The doctor came in and looked between my legs. She looked up at me.

Doctor: It's time for you to push.

Wait what?

Me: I-I can't please. I-I'm not ready.

Doctor: Ma'am I know your scared but I need you to push for me. The baby is on its way.

I looked over at Kioara scared for my life and she looked scared also.

Me: Kioara I can't do this without Hakken (crying).

She held my hand and looked me in the eyes.

Kioara: I got you Lulu.

I nodded my head at the doctor and sighed. I took a huge breath in and prepared myself.

Doctor: On my count your gonna push okay?

I nodded my head and waited for her countdown.

Doctor: 1 2 3, push.

I pushed with all my strength, it felt like I was very constipated. I wanted this shit over and done with. The pain was just too much to bare.


Doctor: Ma'am I need you to calm d.....


Kioara: Lulu calm down. Please. This isn't good for the baby.

Me: I can't do this without Hakken.

Hakken: I'm right here baby.

When I tell y'all my heart did a whole backflip. I was so happy to see him, bitch I didn't even hear him walk in. He quickly came by my side and held my hand then kissed me on the forehead.

Hakken: You have to calm down and start pushing okay baby?

Me: It's too painful (crying).

Hakken: I know baby I know but the pain will be worth it once we meet him. Now I need you to push for me okay?

I nodded my head and looked at the doctor.

Doctor: Now let's try this again. 1 2 3 push.

I kept pushing and pushing. After 8 pushes he was out. I started feeling dizzy and heard fair voices. I heard his screams then soon darkness took over.

To be continued.....

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