Chapter 36

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I saw my doctor come into the room with Lulu behind him and then he left. I looked at her and saw tear stains on her cheeks.

Me: Baby come here.

She came over and sat down in front of me. I held her hand and I saw tears falling down. I wiped her tears away and made her look at me.

Me: Baby I'm okay, stop crying.

Lulu: I can't.

Me: Why not?

Lulu: I thought you were gonna die Hakken. I don't know what I'll do without you, I need you Hakken.

Suddenly I felt something in my heart. My heart rate increased. She needs me?

Me: Whatchu mean by you need me?

Lulu: Your always there for me when I need you the most Hakken. You treat me so good and I lied to you.

The fuck does she mean by she lied to me?

Me: Baby what are you talking about?

Lulu: I lied about saying my parents threw me away. They....they kidnapped me Hakken.

I sat up and looked at her while furrowing my eyebrows. What she say?

Me: What?

Lulu: I was at a party with my friends that night, we got drunk and it was time to go home. I lived 5 minutes away so I decided to walk home at night. A car followed me and they took me. I was in a room for 5 weeks and one of them messed up so I escaped. I went to a police station and they put me in an orphanage.

Damn that's a lot. Getting kidnapped from your own country and put in an orphanage in another country.

Lulu: I'm sorry (crying).

She looked down and I pulled her up. I pulled her into me and hugged her. I groaned and tried to ignore the pain.

Me: Shhh it's okay baby, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm here now and I'll protect you no matter what.

She nodded her head and she sat down back in her chair.

Me: I'm sorry for stressing you out like this.

Lulu: It's not your fault, he shot you for no reason.

Me: Yeah, and imma get him to (chuckling).

Lulu: Hakken please don't do anything crazy.

Me: He disrespected you in front of me and for what? Just because he's a cop he thinks he can say shit to whoever he wants? Well he picked the wrong person to mess with this time.

Lulu: Hakken.....

Me: I told you imma protect you and I intend on keeping that promise.

Before she can say anything my doctor came into the room.

Doctor: Visiting hours are over. He needs to rest now, you can see him tomorrow.

Lulu nodded her head and got up. She kissed me on the forehead.

Lulu: I'll see you tomorrow okay?

Me: I love you.

Lulu: I love you too.

She left and I stayed with my thoughts. I need to kill that cop, but how? I don't want anything getting traced back to me. I ended up calling one of my assassins, someone I haven't called in years. The phone rang and then picked up.

Gojo: Long time no see boss. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?

Me: I have a job for you.

Gojo: What kind of job?

Me: You know what I'm talking about.

He then lightly chuckled.

Gojo: Numbers will speak.

Me: Nah Gojo you owe me remember?

He groaned and sighed.

Gojo: What do you want me to do?

Me: I need you to kill a cop that disrespected my girlfriend.

Gojo: Give me all the details and consider it done.

Me: We'll be in touch.

I dropped the call and laid back down. I then got a FaceTime request from Lulu and I accepted it.

Me: Wassup?

Lulu: I just got back from the clinic.

What the.....

Me: Is something wrong with you or the baby?

Lulu: No, the baby and I are fine Hakken.

Then what could possibly be wrong?

Me: Then what's wrong?

Lulu: I know our babies gender (smiling).

Me: What? Damn what is it?

Lulu: It's a boy Hakken.

Damn I'm having my own son? That shit is awesome.

Me: Honestly the best news I've gotten in forever. Thank you.

Lulu: For what?

Me: For being in my life. Your the only thing that keeps sane. I love you Lulu.

Lulu: I love you too Hakken.

Voice: Damn get married already.

I then raised my eyebrow.

Me: Baby who you with?

Lulu: Oh I'm with Yuhan's salty ass (giggling).

She moved the phone from herself to Yuhan. You could see the salt on Yuhan's face. Comedy gold.

Yuhan: What's up bitch?

Me: None much bro, just laying here and resting that's all (chuckling).

Yuhan: Hope you get better soon bro, so we can find the bitch who did this.

Me: I got that covered already, that nigga is as good as dead.

Lulu then took the phone from Yuhan.

Lulu: I asked you to not do anything crazy Hakken.

Me: Baby.....

Lulu: No, you never listen to me Hakken. I worry about you 24/7 and you don't seem to care about your life the way I care about it (crying).

Me: Baby I'm....

Before I can finish my sentence she dropped the call. Great. I sighed and laid back and closed my eyes.

The next morning

I woke up to feel someone's hands on me. What the fuck? I smacked their hands away from me.

Person: OWW!!

I saw that it was a woman, but why she touching me in my sleep?

Me: Don't put your hands on me.

Woman: I'm your nurse, I need to make sure your okay Mr Kamasang.

Me: I'm fine man, just don't touch me (groaning).

I sat up and saw she bought me food. The fuck is this? I'm not sure if it's even called food.

Me: The fuck is this?

Nurse: That's your breakfast.

Me: I'm not eating this shit.

Nurse: You need to get your strength back sir.

Me: I'd rather suffer.

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