Chapter 7

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I got out my car and headed inside. I snuck in basically so whoever is arguing won't hear me. I got closer and I heard a male and female voice.

Female voice: GET OFF OF ME!!

What the fuck. I walked into the kitchen to find some guy on top of Lulu. I grabbed him off of her and threw him on the ground. Lulu quickly ran behind me and clung onto me. I felt my shirt getting soaked. Oh he done fucked up now. I took my gun out and faced it at him.

Him: P-please d-don't kill me.


Him: I-I just....

Before he could finish his sentence I shot him in the shoulder and he screamed. I felt Lulu hug onto my tighter. I death glared him.

Me: If I ever see you again, I'll kill you.

He nodded his head and he put pressure onto his shoulder.

Me: Now get out of my house.

He quickly got up and ran out my house leaving a trail of blood behind. I saw that Lulu was about to leave but I pulled her back.

Lulu: D-don't h-hurt m-me p-please.

Me: I'm not gonna hurt you, come here.

I pulled her into me and gave her a hug. I felt my shirt getting soaked again.

Me: Come on stop crying, your safe now.

I think I should honestly hire some security, I never had the need to since I lived alone but now she's here and I have to protect her.

Me: Hey look at me.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

Me: Your safe now. I won't let anybody hurt you. 

She nodded her head and I couldn't help but wonder who that nigga was and how he got in.

Me: Who was that nigga? And how'd he get in?

Lulu: H-he said he was the mail man and he that he had a package for you. I opened the door and pushed me in. He....he tried to rape me.

I can't believe I let this happen. I felt my blood boil even more, I should've killed him on the spot.

Lulu: I'm sorry (crying).

Me: Shhhhh, it's okay it's not your fault.

I gave her another hug and she started to calm down. I then felt her body starting to fall. I picked her up and she was quiet.

Me: Lulu are you okay?

I heard light snores and I couldn't help but chuckle. I guess fighting that nigga and crying wore her out. I carried her upstairs to her room and laid her down.

I tried removing her arms around my neck but she wasn't budging. I tried again and I heard her whimper. I sighed and laid on top of her. I laid my head on her chest, between her titties. Inhaling her smell felt like a drug to me.

Damn she smells good. I felt myself beginning to hardened but there's nothing I can do since I can't get up. I soon felt myself beginning to doze off and with that I soon saw darkness.

3 hours later

I woke up feeling refreshed more than ever. Sleeping on top of Lulu feels much better than sleeping on a pillow. I looked up and saw that she was still out like a light.

I got out her hold and went back into my room. Damn it's cold in here. I checked my phone to see I have 10 missed calls in total. Man. I called Yuhan.

Yuhan: Man the fuck happened to you? I been calling you all day.

Me: I'm sorry Lulu and I fell asleep.

Yuhan: WHATCHU MEAN YOU AND.....wait what?

Me: Lulu and I were sleeping.

Yuhan: Oh she tired you out, damn that girl must have some good pussy.

I rolled my eyes, this girl is always thinking about sex.

Me: Not that kinda sleeping you idiot. Something happened here at my house and she didn't feel safe without me I guess. So she made me sleep with her.

Yuhan: Damn what happened?

Me: Some nigga pretended to be the mail man and tried to rape her.

Yuhan: Damn I would've killed that nigga on the spot.

Me: I wanted to but I couldn't, I couldn't kill him in front of her. She'd be traumatised if I did.

Yuhan: You really like this girl huh? (chuckling).

I sighed and ran my hand in my hair.

Me: Yeah I really do.

Yuhan: I knew it (laughing). Okay well I gotta go so imma call you later.

I hummed and dropped the call. Do I really like her? I mean she's nice, she's caring, she's small and I feel like I need to protect her with everything I have in me. And on top of that she has a banging body, maybe I do like her.

I got off my bed and I went to check on her. When I got to her room she was gone. I then heard the bathroom door open and I looked at it waiting for to come out. She came out and she was in her towel.

She saw me and I guess that startled her. She jumped in shock and her towel fell. Fuck. Oh fucking great. She started panicking and grabbed her towel off the floor quickly covering herself.

Her cheeks turned a bright red and I couldn't help but groan at the uncomfortable pain in my pants. I've never been hard like this before. I pinned her against the wall and looked deeply in her eyes. She then tried to look down.

Me: You may not wanna look down right now.

She looked down and her eyes widened. I'm brick hard right now. She looked up at me and the look on her face is priceless.

Lulu: D-did I d-do that?

I nodded my head and her cheeks kept getting red. She looks like a tomato right now.

Lulu: I-I'm sorry.

Me: Nah it's okay, I'll probably jerk off in my bathroom (chuckling).

I moved away from her and I twisted her doorknob but what she said stopped me. I faced her trying to actually understand if she meant what she said.

Me: What did you say?

Lulu: I-I wanna help you.

Me: Help me how?

Is she actually asking if she can give me head? Cause if she is then imma be a happy nigga!!

Lulu: I-I caused this, so I wanna fix it.

I went closer to her ear and spoke in it. She closed her eyes and I knew me being this close to her bought chills down her spine.

Me: Well then fix it mamas

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