Chapter 38

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Yuhan: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah I'm fine, I just wanna go home.

Yuhan: I can call Kioara over to keep you company.

I then shook my head at him.

Me: No I just wanna be alone.

Yuhan: You know how Hakken feels about leaving you alone.

I rolled my eyes and sat back in my seat. He kept quiet and continued driving. I don't know what's wrong with me to be honest. Everyone is just pissing me off. We got home and I started making something to eat.

Yuhan: Well Kioara will be here in a few minutes to keep you company, I gotta go back to the warehouse and check if everything is alright.

I nodded my head and continued making food for myself. Minutes later in came Kioara and was pulled to the side by Yuhan. Urgh. I heard them whispering but I couldn't hear exactly what they said.

Kioara: Hey there baby momma (giggling).

Me: Hi Kioara.

She kept quiet and mugged me. The fuck?

Kioara: Damn Yuhan told me it was bad but I didn't think it was this bad.

Me: What are you talking about bro?

Kioara: Your attitude and mood swings are outta control.

Me: Y'all are acting like I'm doing this on purpose. Y'all think I want this? I don't want this Kioara.

Kioara: Okay damn calm down.

Me: I don't even have an appetite anymore, you can let yourself out.

I went upstairs into my bed and I heard footsteps following me. Damn bro I just wanna be left the fuck alone.

Kioara: Are you seriously gonna kick me out?

Me: Yes, yes the fuck I am.

She nodded her head and got on her phone texting someone in front of me. Damn bitch I said leave. A few minutes later my phone lit up and it was Hakken. Oh no she didn't. Then I picked it up.

Hakken: What's your problem Lulu?

Me: Excuse me? I don't have a problem.

Hakken: Then why the fuck is Yuhan telling me that you wanna kick Kioara out?

Me: I don't want her here Hakken, I wanna be alone.

Hakken: I told you that I don't want you to be alone man.

Me: I can take care of myself.

Hakken: No the fuck you can't so shut the fuck up and stop being a bitch to Kioara.

Did he just? Wow. I'm speechless and I won't lie man, that hurt coming from him.

Me: Wow.

I dropped the call and I looked at Kioara with pure hate.

Me: Get out.

Kioara: Lulu.....


I picked up a lamp and threw it at her but she dodged it. She got out and I locked my door. I got in bed and cried. Why is he so mean to me? Especially when I'm pregnant. I ended up falling asleep.

The next morning

I heard a knock at my door which automatically made me groan and wake up. I hate being woken up. I got up from bed and went to the door opening it. I then saw it was Yuhan .

I rolled my eyes and went to lay down while he came into the room. I comfortably sat in my bed looking at Yuhan waiting to hear what dumb shit he has to say.

Yuhan: What's wrong with you bro?

Me: Good morning to you too Yuhan.

He rolled his eyes and then continued talking.

Yuhan: You need to lose that attitude. What? You need dick or something?

Me: No your momma needs it.

Yuhan: Bro I'll deadass shoot you, the fuck is wrong with you?

Me: I'm pregnant you fucking idiot, don't you see that?

He rolled his eyes again and then sighed sitting down on the bed.

Yuhan: I can see that but can't you at least control it?

I shook my head at him and I sighed.

Me: It's not like I wanna be like this man. I don't wanna be like this and it's so frustrating for everyone to want me to be normal. It doesn't work like that Yuhan.

Before he can say anything we heard the open which made him pull his hun out. Soon Kimono appeared at the door.

Kimono: Wassup kids?

Yuhan: Sup bro?

They dapped each other up.

Kimono: None much, just came to check up on baby momma.

I rolled my eyes because I know that he's talking about me.

Kimono: Ay lemme holla at you real quick.

Yuhan: I'll be back, we're not done.

I rolled my eyes again and watched them leave my room but I got curious about what they wanted to talk about. I got up and stood next to the ventilation.

Kimono: You need to talk to Hakken bro.

Yuhan: Why? Wassup?

Kimono: That bitch wanna take a brake.

Yuhan: Whatchu mean?

Yeah what does he mean?

Kimono: Man says he wants a break from his pregnant girlfriend, saying that it's getting too much for him.


Yuhan: But it's his fault for getting her pregnant. That idiot didn't even use protection with her and now he wants to leave her? Nah that shit ain't it G.

Kimono: I told him the same thing but he doesn't wanna listen. Talk to him bro.

I suddenly felt something in my heart breaking. I can't believe that nigga knocked me up and now wants to leave me. I got back in bed and my mind was roaming. I ended up crying.

Yuhan: Bunny why you crying?

Me: I heard what y'all said.

They looked at each other and their faces softened.

Kimono: Lulu it's not like that.......

Me: Save it, I'm done. If Hakken wants to be away from me then fine. He can have all the space he needs because I'm done with him.

Yuhan: Lulu.....

Me: No Yuhan I'm done, now get out of my room.

They looked at each other again and they got out. I stayed behind with my thoughts, man it's too early for this. I then got a call from him, sigh. I obviously declined.

He called me 8 times in a row but I still chose to decline. He called again for the 9th time which pissed me off so I decided to take the call because I knew he wouldn't stop.

Hakken: Baby?

Me: What the fuck do you want bro?

Hakken: I'll ignore that but can you come see me?

Me: Why?

Hakken: To talk.

Me: We always do that yet you still find a way to hurt me. So no, I'm done bro.

Hakken: Whatchu mean your done?

Me: Exactly that.

And with that, I dropped the call and put it on flight mode. Then I cried myself to sleep.

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