Chapter 32

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Very short chapter

I woke up and immediately ran to the bathroom. I kneeled in front of the toilet and I vomited everything I ate last night. I felt a hand pull my hair up into a bun as I continued to vomit.

Hakken: You okay baby?

Me: I'm......

Before I can even say anything I vomited again. Fuck this shit hurts. I stopped vomiting and spat out the remains in the toilet. I got up and I brushed my teeth.

Hakken: I think we should shower so I can take you to the hospital.

Me: I'll be fine Hakken.

Hakken: Your carrying my child Lulu, I need to make sure that y'all are okay.

I nodded my head and got into the shower, he followed behind me. I felt myself getting dizzy. I lost my balance and I felt his arms around.

Hakken: Woah, careful.

Me: I'm sorry I'm just, dizzy.

Hakken: Let's hurry up so I'll get you to the hospital.

I nodded my head and we quickly washed ourselves. We got out and I put on his clothes instead. I was too dizzy to even stand. He picked me up and took me to the car.

Hakken: Don't worry baby you'll be okay.

I nodded my head and felt the car moving. I laid back on my seat and closed my eyes. As soon as I opened my eyes we were in the hospital.

Me: H-how did we....

Hakken: You were knocked out cold.

Me: What's going on?

Hakken: Well the doctor checked you and your pregnant (smiling).

Me: Why do I get the feeling that you wanted me pregnant?

Hakken: Nah not at all, I'm just glad I'm having my first child with the person I love.

I won't lie that melted my heart. I looked at my hand to see a drip latched onto it. What the.....

Hakken: You just needed some vitamin c in your system. Your gonna be eating fruits a lot from now on.

Oh man. I hate fruits.

Me: Did the doctor tell you how far I am?

Hakken: 2 weeks.

I nodded my head and I laid back onto the bed while looking up. I felt his fingers intertwine with mine.

Hakken: I told you imma make sure you and the baby are straight.

How did I get so lucky?

The doctor came back and it was the same doctor who treated me.

Doctor: Glad to see your looking much better Mrs Kamasang.

Me: Thanks doc, can I go home now?

Doctor: Well your eager to go home (chuckling). But you can leave.

I won't lie i was happy asf. He removed the drip from my hand and I felt relieved.

Doctor: I suggest that you drink a lot of water.

I nodded my head and Hakken helped me get up.

I'm sorry. I didn't have any ideas to continue this chapter and I've been dragging it. Hope y'all are enjoying the book so far💅🖤

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