Chapter 34

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2 weeks later

Lulu and I are in the lounge talking about what gender we're gonna have. She's 6 months pregnant now. The doctor said on her next appointment we can find out about the babies gender.

Lulu: You think it's a girl?

Me: Hell no. I know my baby is a boy.

Lulu: What's wrong with a girl?

Me: Girls get their badass attitudes from their momma's. I'm not ready to deal with another Lulu.

She looked taken back. What?

Lulu: Nigga you think I wanna deal with another Hakken? No thank you. I'm fine with having a baby girl.

Me: Whatever. I gotta go to work.

Lulu: Your always working Hakken, please stay.

Me: No I gotta go work. You don't know what it's like working hard for the money I get.

Lulu: Putting up with you is hard work, but you never hear me complaining. I'm speechless. She did not just say that to me.

Me: Aight bet, remember that when you need something.

Lulu: Baby I'm just joking. Omg your so serious (giggling).

I gave her a hug and kissed her on her forehead.

Lulu: Be safe baby.

Me: I will mamas.

I locked the house up before I got in my car. I called Yuhan and I got onto the road.

Yuhan: You won't believe what happened.

Me: Wassup?

This bitch always got news.

Yuhan: Kimono got a girlfriend.

Me: Wait what?

Forgot to tell y'all that Kimono woke up after my fathers funeral. Man I was happy asf.

Yuhan: Yeah and she wants to bring her girl over.

Me: That's great man.

Yuhan: You should bring Lulu also with her penguin ass.

Me: Yeah, aight lemme go get her.

I wasn't far from the house so I drove back. I got inside and I still found her sitting in the lounge.

Lulu: Oh that was quick.

Me: Nah I just came to get you.

Lulu: What for?

Me: I want my gang to meet you.

She nodded her head and got her stuff. I helped her to the car and we got on the road. I saw her fidget with her fingers a lot.

Me: What's wrong?

Lulu: I'm just nervous.

Me: About my gang liking you?

She nodded her head and I chuckled.

Me: I don't give 2 fucks if they don't like you. My momma and my best friend likes you, that's all that matters. I'm just introducing you to my gang so they can know the woman I love.

I saw her smile at me and I couldn't help but smile also. This girl really done made me soft. We got to the trap house and there was hella cars there. The fuck they doing? We got out and I held Lulu's hand heading inside.

I'm a babysitterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ