Chapter 9: Camp?

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Two days after the party, I walk to school, my brothers have not talked to me about the alcohol but have been acting like I did not drink or that they didn't have to pick me up from the party. Which is kind of strange, but I do not want to start a conversation about it because it will be so awkward. I also do not want to cause problems where there are none. When I am not in trouble for something, I do not want to get into trouble for it.

Walking up to Giana and Gabriela which are by my lockers.

"Hey," I greet them with a tired expression, they all look worn out from the party. Taeyong arrives, his eyes are bloodshot, skin paler than normal and around his eyes look swollen and a little puffed up.

"My hangover on Sunday was so bad," Taeyong voices, looking at my expression of him. We burst out laughing, Taeyong clutches his head, trying to open his locker, his hands shake as he tries putting his code in.

"Did you drink again on Sunday?" I question, as he opens his locker and takes out sunglasses. He places the sunglasses on his face and answers me, "Maybe."

"Weirdly enough my brothers have been acting like I didn't drink at the party," I comment, everyone turns to me with a traumatized look, like a zombie just appeared. Alex walking to us, gives me an uneasy look, Taeyong giving me a confused but questionable look.

"Maybe my brother said something," Taeyong comments, fists bumping Alex, swinging their arm around going into a bro hug.

"Yeah, maybe they felt bad with the breakup, but I doubt Lee Anurak would ever have an interest in you, after what you told me happened at your house," Giana remarks, having a thinking or constipated face, Taylor approaches us, smiling at her phone.

Walking to the first period, on week B, checking the notices of the day on our school email account. Opening the email that reads, "Notices of the day- Monday, week 10."

Scrolling down to the PDF that has the notices, looking for the grade ten list. My class has the first period free from our history teacher being sick.

Entering the History class, we decided to take the left two rows of desks like we always do and the rest of the boys' friends like Devon, Kaven, Aakash, Santiago and Adesh. They are my friends but we are not that close besides Adesh, we only became close after we started going to the same therapist.

Turns out the person I thought was the most mentally stable needed help, he is also the therapist friend, ironic, isn't it? That he is the therapist friend but he goes to one, but therapy is amazing, it is forty five minutes of you talking about yourself and the person listens, sometimes they do call you out on the shit you do but honestly it is so nice.

Devon is an average looking person with an average height of a sixteen-year-old boy. They have a perm type of hairstyle but their hair is naturally curly. They came out as non-binary in the ninth grade.

Kaven was a thin pale boy that always looks like he is blushing, he is fairly average height. He mainly gets girls because he does drama. He can sometimes be a bit of a player.

Aakash is a tallish boy but his English needs help, he can sometimes annoy me from how he speaks.

Santiago is quite short, but he has a six-pack. He might be tiny, but he is vicious. He is short for our age; he has a fifth graders height.

Adesh is a tall six-foot five boy, he is built very big and has an intimidating aura. He is next in line for girls chasing if Aspara and Taeyong are not there.

We all take our normal seats. Me being in the front of the classroom, Taylor on the left of me, Gabriela behind me. To the side of Gabriela was Devon. Behind Gabriela was Santiago and to his left was Aakash. Behind Aakash was Kevin. Next to Kevin was Giana. Behind Giana was Alex and next to him was Taeyong. Behind Taeyong normally has Aaryan sitting there. Behind Alex was Adesh. We normally take the left side of the classroom up from our friends' group.

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