Elounor Breakup

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Dear Diary,

Today is a day I'll never forget. I've probably written that many times, but this time it's different.

Louis took a big step in his plan; one I would've never guessed he would have done behind management's back.

He broke up with Eleanor.

He didn't make an official statement on twitter or anything but they have broken up. Wind of what has happened has already hit twitter and fans on twitter have talked about it non-stop.

That led to articles being made and news spreading faster and faster; however, Louis didn't do anything to confirm it. He let it go. He told me because he wanted to announce it all at the same time.

That gave me butterflies for sure. He was going through with it, no matter what.

And that's what scared me.

While I was happy things were going good for us, management was still a problem. Eleanor's contract/job or whatever you call it, was suppose to last till the summer.

By ending it earlier, he broke that contract. Management didn't take that too lightly.

Louis took the argument in full stride, not breaking once. Management told him he had no right to terminate her contract.

Louis fired back he did as he read it and saw if she had a mutual agreement to break it off, then she could.

Management fired back only they could break the contract through a mutual agreement, but Louis told them the contract never said a specific person besides El.

You could tell they were flustered as Louis was on a roll. I guess you could call him out of control from their point of view. They really couldn't stop him from what he was doing.

They asked about her funding for the few months he cut early, as the contract stated she'd still be paid for the full length of it. Louis said he gladly paid her by check out of his own pocket.

That took us all by surprise. I hadn't known the details of the contract and was surprised Louis hadn't signed it out of the band account. They even asked that question.

Louis told them because he's done with it and he wants to do what he wants. He told them he was done being held back from who truly is and that he wanted to be who is he without being portrayed as someone he isn't.

So, that's when we all sat down and had a long talk about now and the future. Louis told him his plans, the announcement of me and him. Management didn't say a single thing, but listened.

At the end, when Louis was finished, management asked how he was so sure about telling the whole world. How he was so sure it wouldn't ruin the band's image and wreck our career.

Louis told them the honest truth: there is no telling what could happen. But, he also told them about the fans he had seen online that are supportive. He pointed out that our fans were strong and they would stand up for us, just like they had with us in other situations. He trusted them.

When artists shit talk us, the fans were always there for us. When we release new music or get nominated for an award, the fans always do their best to get it to the top or get us the award. The fans have always been supportive and Louis told them he didn't doubt they would be supportive for us as well.

Management took it all in slowly. I think they realized they weren't going to be able to stop Louis anyways. They did, however, tell us that we needed to prove it.

Prove that the fans and public would be supportive and handle it well.

Louis was all for it and suggested doing an interview. All single ones for the us, then two group interviews. One group would be the other three boys and then Louis and I.

When they aired online, we could see and track the reactions of the fans and public. Louis assured management he didn't plan on coming out in the interviews, but later like his tweet had said.

And the craziest thing of all these events happened: management agreed.

They said they'd go along with and in the end, they'd determine what would happen after analyzing the fans and public.

As we left the studio and went back to our apartment Louis looked to me and smiled. He didn't even have to speak. I knew exactly what the smile meant.

"This year, Harry. It's time."

Yes, yes it was.

Things I Can't:
#26- Believe Elounor 'broke up'

H. xx

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