Chapter 36 - Dead

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There are going to be a lot of time changes in the next few chapters.

There are going to be a lot of time changes in the next few chapters

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9 months later-

In the Romanov Mansion

After Alessa left everyone became depressed and closed off. It was like a heavy cloud of depression settled over the family.

It felt like she has left once again but this time it was her choice and Despite their efforts to maintain a facade of happiness, they were losing hope.

Interrupting their somber thoughts, a sharp ring of the doorbell echoed through the mansion. Sebastien swiftly answered, revealing a box that resembled a coffin. Calling his brothers and father, they cautiously opened the box.

But oh, how they wished they hadn't.

There was Alessa.

Beaten and bruised.


A note rested beside her battered form.

Alexander unfolded the letter, and as soon as his eyes scanned the words, tears welled up and spilled over. He wished this was some kind of sick joke, a cruel prank. He yearned for it to be a nightmare, one he could wake up from with Alessa safe in his arms.

She said she missed you.

Her brothers and father were utterly heartbroken, their eyes reflecting the shattered fragments of their souls. Each of them grappling with a torrent of emotions they never thought they'd have to face.

They wished she had never stepped into the world of the underworld, that she could have been shielded from its grasp.

Lorenzo, the cold and mean brother, broke down crying. He started screaming and yelling for Alessa to wake up, his voice cracking and breaking as he pleaded with the universe to reverse time. He started throwing things and had a complete breakdown.

 He started throwing things and had a complete breakdown

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I just looked at her and cried.

Cried that we didn't get to spend much time, cried for the lost moments,  cried that she had to go through so much pain.

I felt like my happiness had been ripped away from me.
But it had been ripped away.
Alessa was the light to our darkness.

"I love you, my baby," the words escaped my lips in a broken whisper,

The rhythmic clacking of my keyboard was interrupted by an insistent knock on my office door

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The rhythmic clacking of my keyboard was interrupted by an insistent knock on my office door. My gaze flickered up to find Daniel entering, his usually cheerful demeanor slightly muted.

"Yes, Daniel?" I responded, my tone cold and distant. Work had become my refuge, a place to drown out the pain and the relentless thoughts that haunted me.

"Your father called in. He said that he wanted to talk to you," Daniel informed me, his voice tinged with sympathy.

I offered a curt nod, acknowledging his message. Just as I expected him to leave, he surprised me by stepping closer and pulling me into a brief but comforting hug. The gesture caught me off guard, but a small part of me appreciated his understanding.

"I know you're hurting, Ace, but I'm here for you. Always remember that," Daniel's words were soft, genuine. It was this side of him, the loyal friend.

"Yeah, I know, Thanks, Daniel," I replied curtly and he offered me a small smile in return. He left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the looming call from my father.

With a heavy sigh, I picked up the phone and dialed my father's number.

"Yes, father," I spoke into the phone, my voice cool and detached, a defense mechanism.

"I'm sorry, son, but Alessa..." My father's voice trailed off.

"What happened to her? Is she okay?" My words rushed out in a single breath. I hated that I still cared about her.

"She's dead," the words hit me like a sledgehammer, freezing me in place. My world seemed to come to a standstill as I struggled to process the devastating news.

"No, no, no. There has to be a mistake. She can't be dead," I muttered to myself, my voice a mix of denial and disbelief. I clung to the hope that this was all some cruel joke, a twisted nightmare that I would wake from.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, my father's voice continued, relaying a message from Alessa. 

"She wanted me to tell you that she will always love you, no matter what, and that she'll always come back to you," my father's words held a weight of truth that pierced through my pain.

Tears welled in my eyes, betraying my stoic facade. She had said those words, even after everything that had transpired between us. 


If she met Dad then-

"Dad, you know why Alessa left, don't you?" My question held a mixture of desperation and frustration. I needed answers.

"Yes," my father's sigh echoed through the line.

"But I can't tell you, Ace. It's her decision whether she wants to share that with you or not," his words held a note of sympathy.

"She's gone, dad. She's not coming back. Don't you get it?" My voice cracked.

"I understand, so-" my father began, his attempt at consolation cut short by my abrupt interruption.

"No, dad, you don't understand," I stated firmly, cutting off his words. 

She had left, yet a part of me knew that her feelings were not fake as she claimed. I held onto the memories, the moments that had etched themselves into my heart. Despite the anger, the bitterness, the love I had felt for her would always be there.

I wanted her back. I needed her back.

Alessa might be gone, but her memories would not fade. And I would move heaven and earth to to bring her justice, and to discover if there was a chance, a sliver of hope, that she might return to me once more.

But I knew she won't.

Because she was dead.

Or was she?


You all really think I would make Alessa dead? Nah ah.

Well see you next time.


I know my story sucks and I'm sorry for that.

Till next time bitches 😉


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