Cinder, Thorne, Kai

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Mechanic: Hey!

HandsomeHero: Hi.

KaiWasKidnapped: Heyo!

Mechanic: So, um.

HandsomeHero: What do you guys want to talk about?

HandsomeHero: I mean, Thornes are still on sale. So yeah.

HandsomeHero: No big deal or anything. Just plushes of the most famous criminal in the universe. Nothing to obsess over.

HandsomeHero: But I mean, if you obsessed over them, it would be understandable...

Mechanic: This is like, Thorne's way of bragging.

KaiWasKidnapped: It's kind of pathetic.

Mechanic: I know....

Mechanic: Anyways.

Mechanic: I have literally nothing to do.

KaiWasKidnapped: Yeah, me neither. Life is just so... boring.

HandsomeHero: Oh, don't mind Earth here, being taken over by Luna. No big deal.

Mechanic: I know, right? Life just isn't... interesting.

HandsomeHero: Let's just remember that we're in a spaceship that's being tracked and we're the most wanted people on both Earth and Luna!

KaiWasKidnapped: I know! I just don't feel... special.

HandsomeHero: Says the emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth.

Mechanic: Right! Like I'm not good at anything.

HandsomeHero: A-HEM. Best mechanic of New Beijing speaking?

KaiWasKidnapped: EXACTly!

KaiWasKidnapped: And... like I'm just not very smart.

KaiWasKidnapped: Like I'm really bad at putting two and two together.


HandsomeHero: *thinks for a second*


HandsomeHero: Yeah, you know, I really can't argue with that one.

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