Wolf, Scarlet, Winter

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Have I ever written a WSW(Wolf, Scarlet, Winter) combo before? I don't think so, but I probably have. I've been trying to make new combos every now and then, but it's getting harder and harder. I think I'll include a couple more minor characters next time. Any suggestions?

Let's begin!


WolfMan: Tomatoes.

PrincessWinter: What?

WolfMan: Scarlet, TOMATOES.

Scarlet: Okay, calm down, calm down. I'm coming.

PrincessWinter: I'm confused.

Scarlet: Don't ask, please.

PrincessWinter: But-I just... never mind.

WolfMan: Scarlet, I need those tomatoes. I'm having a withdrawal attack!

Scarlet: Calm DOWN!

WolfMan: Don't tell me to calm down! You've seen these withdrawal attacks before-they are NOT NICE!

PrincessWinter: Wait, you suffer withdrawal from.. tomatoes?

WolfMan: Don't you use that condescending tone when speaking the name of tomatoes! They are a strong force to be reckoned with!

PrincessWinter: I'm going to pretend that's not weird, and ignore it.

Scarlet: Well, you failed, but nice try.

PrincessWinter: Hey, um. I just came to ask you something.

Scarlet: What? I'm busy right now. Wolf, about 50 tomatoes can fit in a garbage sized bag. Is that enough?

WolfMan: No way. I'm craving a hundred. Bring another bag.

PrincessWinter: Scarlet, I'm asking you this more than Wolf. Because Wolf isn't that.. understanding.

Scarlet: I'm flattered. Now go on. *squishes a tomato under her foot by accident* Whoops. Sorry, Wolf.

WolfMan: I demand extras.

Scarlet: *blows raspberry at screen* Whatever.

PrincessWinter: A-hem. Let's get right to the point... Do you think I'm... snobby?

WolfMan: *chokes on his own spit* What kind of question is that? Scarlet, hurry!

Scarlet: WOLF... *prepares to shout something, but decides otherwise* Just shut up. Winter... Why do you ask that?

PrincessWinter: Well. To be honest, ever since I've spent time with you Earthens, Wolf and Cinder included, I've felt... apart. I feel that I'm proper compared with you all.

Scarlet: *coughs* I mean, ugh... You're a princess. We're... well, we're different.

PrincessWinter: Yes, but I still feel different. Even Jacin doesn't understand.

Scarlet: Jacin? That stiff-necked dirt bag?

WolfMan: *snorts*

PrincessWinter: Yes. He hates you all.

Scarlet: Sure he does.

WolfMan: I'm the most lovable lupine wannabe in the world. What do you mean?

Scarlet: That's actually true. *swings the two bags of tomatoes over her shoulder* I've got the tomatoes, Wolf.

WolfMan: Finally!

PrincessWinter: I actually like you people. You seem trustable. I just.. feel isolated. You all speak of things I know nothing about.

Scarlet: Well, would you want to know about any famous Earthen celebrities?

PrincessWinter: No.. But I still feel left out.

Scarlet: I'm sorry. We'll try including you more.

WolfMan: Yeah. Whatever. Tomatoes.

PrincessWinter: Really?

Scarlet: Yeah, sure. I can even teach you about Earthen celebrities if you want.

PrincessWinter: Sure.. I mean.. I'm fine with that.

WolfMan: Now all the cheesiness is over, can you hurry up? I'm already hallucinating.

Scarlet: Hurrying. One step a minute. Just stay put.


Tomorrow is my last day of school. Officially, 7th grade will be over for me by the end of school tomorrow. I'm stunned, honestly. I can't muster excitement or sadness, or any feelings, really. I can't believe it's actually already here-it's still sinking in, slowly and slowly. I don't even know how I'm going to adjust to summer break... But I love breaks, so I'll adjust quickly enough.

Love you all!

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