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I laughed a bit when everyone jumped out of the way of Lucien’s car. His security guards then began to shoo everyone away and let them scram. 

“I need to leave for business. But I’ll talk to you later. Right?” He said it like a child hoping they were still getting dessert.

“Right!” I responded. “I’ll give you another chance. Remember, choose a spot you like. And maybe I’ll like it too!” I said. 

“You’re so perfect, Danny Boy.” He said. I blush when he calls me Danny Boy. It’s not too demeaning but when he says it, and I call him Mr. Vittori, it leaves an imbalance of power. And Lucien knows he’s at the top.

“Thank you, Mr. Vittori.” I said. His hungry eyes came back. He looked at my lips. 

He cleared his throat. “I should get going.” He said. He stepped back from me.

“Oh, by the way!” I quickly said. He looked back up to me. “Can you get tested for any STDs?” I asked. Lucien was taken aback, probably offended I would ask such a thing.

“If you say so, Danny. But I know you don’t have to.” His words were poking at my virginity. “Ciao, Danny. I’ll contact you later. Yeah?” He said.

“Mhm. I’ll be waiting.” I said. He turned around and started walking to his car. He quickly turned back and gave me a wink before getting into his car and driving away quickly.

I honestly couldn’t believe that I had a normal conversation with Mr. Vittori. He wasn’t angry. He wasn’t horny. He just talked and told me about his intentions. Which I’m grateful for because now I feel like I could also work and help him to reach his goal.

‘Walk, bitch!’ my brain randomly told me. I remembered I was standing and staring at the spot where Lucien’s car was just at. Turning in the direction of my dorm, I raced away and quickly pulled out my phone to dial Angie.

“Wassup, girlie.” She said in a chippy voice.

“Ang! Lucien just came to see me right now!” I quickly said into the phone.

“Fuck me!” She yelled into the phone.

“I just did.” A random guy’s voice said on her end. She shushed him quickly before I heard rustling. 

“Hold up, Danny! I’m on my way. Meet you in your room!” She quickly said before I heard the sound of stumbling and the call ended.

I’d rather not sit and think about what just happened. I needed to get to my room and try to process what I talked about with Lucien. I made a quick pit stop at Walgreens to get some snacks. As I was getting ready to pay and get my money from my pocket, I felt a weird thickness in my pants.

My hands reached into the pockets on my ass and pulled out a stack of money that had been placed there. There was a note attached. 

‘From Lucien. A small gift from me to you.’ it said. My legs started shaking again. Even when he’s not here, Lucien manages to find ways to get me nervous. The money was $500. Sugar daddy? Yes please.

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