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I touched the back of my head and felt bleeding. My entire body was still trying to grasp everything that had just happened. There was a sharp ringing in my ear. But despite my pain, there was one thing that I had to look for.


I turned to where Lucien sat and saw that his seat was empty. I did see that his gun was also here. Lucien can hold himself with his strength. But a gun is always a better advantage.

Slowly, I began to pick myself up and climb out of the car. I took in my surroundings. The car was a complete mess. At least the front. We had crashed into a large pine tree. My fingers were covered in blood and dirt. And my clothes that Lucien had brought for me are dirty too.

As I looked around, I tried to find where Lucien went. Due to the crash, my legs were hurt so I limped over to his side of the car. He was gone but something didn't feel right.

It all came back to me in a flash. We were being chased by Giorgio. I turned around and saw that his car was parked away. My hands slipped into my pocket and I remembered the gun I was given. I pulled it out and held it, pointing it at Giorgio's car.

Where the driver's door was at, I saw the car door was opened. I scouted around the car and saw that no one was here.

I wanted to call out for Lucien. However, I'm still not sure whether he's safe or not. I crouched a while and made wide steps to avoid all noises. The gun was still in my hand and made sure to point it ahead of me.

Finally, after a few minutes of walking, I came upon a small clearing. I ducked behind a bush and poked my head, checking to see if anyone was there.

There, in the middle of the clearing, was Lucien on the ground, clearly injured. Above him was Giorgio, pointing a gun at his head. The two were in a heated argument.

"Shut the fuck up!" Giorgio yelled at Lucien. "I don't give a shit about you or that whore of yours! This is revenge!"

"Just let me say goodbye to Danny!" Lucien said. I saw as he was crouched on the floor. His arm was positioned in a way that let me know that it was sore and he couldn't move it right. Meaning that without a gun or the ability to use his strength, Lucien was a dead man.

"Fuck no! Be quiet so I can kill you then Danny!" Giorgio yelled.

Lucien hung his head down as if he was prepared to meet his fate. I remembered the gun in my hands and stood up, slowly walking towards the clearing behind Giorgio. Giorgio didn't hear me and I managed to stand behind him. I cocked the gun and held it to his head.

Before I shot him, I thought back to what I was doing. Here I was, holding a gun and getting ready to shoot a mob boss who is also getting ready to shoot my boyfriend. I never expected myself to get into something like this.

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