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Behind the door stood an upset Lucien. He was looking at me with guilty eyes. The nerve of this guy to actually accuse me of wanting to sleep with Marcello. I can't believe him. After I gave him my virginity and he assumes I'd slut myself out for someone I just met.

"Can we talk?" He asked me.

"Sure." I replied. He grabbed my hand softly and walked me to the couch. I sat on one end and he on the other. At least he recognizes I want space.

"I said some shit I never meant to say." He told me. Lucien's stance was once of vulnerability. Usually, he's standing tall and proud. However, he's crouched, slumped.

"Why did you overreact like that? What if Marcello was a girl? Would you have reacted the same way?" I asked him.

He stood there, thinking about it. "Probably." He replied.

"Why, Lucien? Am I not allowed to talk to others?" I asked.

"I can get a bit... jealous at times." He said.

"Jealous to the point it makes you want to claim me as yours by having sex with me? Most people when they get jealous act a bit controlling, but you? It's just extreme." I said to him. Lucien exhaled.

"I grew up around people who never could control things. I saw first hand when my dad lost his brother and sister in law. And when we had to flee our trip to Milan because some of dad's enemies were threatening us. I've seen things that make me wonder if I would ever have a grip on my life." He said.

"Your excuse?" I said.

"It's not an excuse. But when I saw you talking with Marcello, I panicked. In a split moment, I was afraid that I'd lose you. You're the one thing in my life that I know for certain. I know that I can wake up and see a text from you. And that you'll be somewhere in class or in your dorm while I'm away." Lucien said.

I stared at him. It wasn't angry. Lucien has seen so many things that he is afraid to lose me.

"You could find other ways to express your worry, Lucien." I got up and went to sit next to him. "I don't know what your childhood was like, but I do know that it made you the way you are." I said.

Lucien leaned his head on my shoulder and started sobbing a bit. His tears landed on my shoulder. I've never seen Lucien cry before. He never lets sad emotions get to him.

"I'm so sorry, Danny!" He cried out. "I was an asshole to you! I treated you like a piece of meat! I tried so hard to keep you to myself that it drove you further away!" He hugged me, his face in my lap.

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