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The elevator doors opened into a small cubicle-like room that had a door into the penthouse. Lucien carried me in arms. His body is so hard and warm. I snuggled into his pecs.

"Getting comfortable, are we?" Lucien asked.

"I deserve this." I replied. The door opened and Lucien carried me in. He then set me on his couch and walked around, checking everything.

"I'll get the bath started. Stay here." Lucien told me. He walked away into his, what I assume, bathroom and left me on the couch. I sat up and looked around his apartment.

Getting up, I decided to explore a bit of this place. I walked over to the kitchen and admired the marble countertops. The huge windows allowed for much natural light to enter. I opened a random drawer and saw a gun right there.

We're just gonna pretend we didn't see that.

I moved on to the pantry. I saw so many snacks in there I thought I might cream myself. It would be rude of me to just take some. I left that place before my mind went wild. That's when I remembered the stack of money.

My tote bag was placed on the couch where I was put to rest. I dug in and pulled out the envelope of money. I thought for a minute about putting my shirt back on but figured Lucien wouldn't like that.

Remembering my way, I walked towards Lucien's room. When I entered, I saw the place where I had given Lucien a blowjob. I still get shivers about that. The sound of running water attracted me to his bathroom. I walked over and peaked inside.

"Lucien?" I asked. On the otherside was a shirtless Lucien, adding rose petals into the bathtub. The bathtub was placed in front of a huge window, letting us see a view of Central Park. But that's not what I cared about. I cared about a hunk who was flexing his muscles while gracefully doing a task.

Lucien looked up from his work and turned to me. His eyes scoured up and down my body, admiring my chest. "Hey beautiful."

"Hey, Lucien..." I shyfully replied. His lustful eyes were on me until he looked at what I held in my hand.

"What do you have there?" He asked. I walked forward directly to Lucien. He stood up and towered over me. I caught a glimpse of his hard chest.

"I found this on my bed earlier today. D'you know what it is?" I asked. I held up the envelope and he took it from my hands.

"Oh, this!" He chuckled like it was obvious. "This is your share." He said. I stared at him confusingly.

"My share of what?" I asked him. He ruffled my hair, messing it up.

"Remember your proposition my dad asked you about? Well, I'm guessing it was a success. You get 10% of profits because it was your idea. So congrats." He smiled at me. "My boyfriend is a fucking genius..." He awed.

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