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“Aunt, uncle, I need to tell you guys something important.” I said into the phone. 

“You’re getting married?” My uncle asked, chuckling.

“No, not that.” I said.

“Well, I hope it’s something good.” My aunt said. I took a deep breath in and exhaled.

“I’m gay!” I blurted out.

Tears formed in my eyes as I wondered what my aunt and uncle would say. Now that I think about it, I’ve never actually came out. People just assumed and went with it. Lucien’s parents were the only ones who have ever asked me. Angie just figured it out when I wore a cardigan. And people in high school just spread that rumor around.

“Danny?” My aunt asked. I had zoned out for a while and forgot I was on the phone with them.

“I’m sorry…” I muttered.

“For what? You didn’t do anything wrong.” My uncle said. 

“I’ve made your lives so difficult. You took me in after my parents died. You had to sell almost everything to pay for my education. Then I go and become gay! I’ve been a burden to you both.” I said.

“Danny? Do you believe that?” My aunt asked.

“Mhm.” I said.

“We could never be mad at you. Danny. Listen to us. We love you, no matter what. Your life is none of our business to check. You’re your own person, and if the opinion of others destroys you, you’ll never reach your best. We love you so much, Daniel Harper.” My aunt said. 

I sobbed and tried to stop crying. “Do you think my parents are disappointed?” I tearfully asked.

“No, they aren’t. I bet they’re happy that their young boy is brave.” My aunt said.

“Thanks. I’ve been wanting to tell you guys for so long but I was scared.” I said.

“It’s not a problem. Next time, if there’s anything you want to tell us, don’t be afraid. We will never push you away.” My uncle said.

“Thanks, uncle Pedro.” I said. 

“We have to go, Danny. We have to go to Home Depot! We’ll talk to you later!” My aunt said.

“Okay! Take care! Bye!” I said.

They both said their goodbyes but forgot to hang up.

“I told you!” My uncle said. “No straight person uses a tote bag!” He said.

“Calm down, Pedro! At least he told us!” My aunt replied. I muted myself and let out a small chuckle and hung up. 

At least I’ve taken that load off. I locked myself in the bedroom and it took me 10 whole minutes hyping myself up to call them both. And they took it well. I was expecting them to lash out at me and call me slurs. I should’ve known they were always going to accept me.

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