Chapter 5 - Suck it up Princess

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Adam locked himself in his room for the next three days. The excuse was he wanted peace and quiet to heal but that was only partly true. Mostly, he wanted to hide, ashamed at how foolishly he'd behaved, not only in front of his friends but also Constantine.

He relived the awkward moment he saw Karl walk out of his bedroom with a guy he'd picked up at the Grad Party and obviously slept with over and over again. It was the realisation that a one-night stand with a random guy was preferable to being with him, that had gutted him. It was also the same moment he felt like the last hope of finding someone remotely close to a mate, vanished. Adam had stormed out of the apartment without a word. He knew, if he stayed a second longer he would do something stupid, or murderous like disembowel the random who had the scent of Karl all over him.

Then Wolf took control and decided to numb the anger and disappointment by trying to break every bone in his body was a good idea.  That replacing one sort of pain for another was a quick fix. Physical pain was far easier to handle than being reminded he would be alone forever. 

 Wolf had done a good job of hurting himself. Running blindly into the bush, smashing his way through whatever crossed his path had helped vent his frustration. He got a strange satisfaction from the sharp burning pain when one branch after another ripped open his flesh, and when he bounced off the rough walls of the gorge like a pinball machine and felt his bones crack. As he charged through the thick scrub land his claws dug into whatever they could to keep his momentum going,  leaving a couple embedded in logs along the way.  It was an unlucky night for any animal he came across. He hadn't fed off fresh meat for a long time. It tasted better when he was fuelled by anger. 

He was forced to stop and head back to the car when his injuries made it impossible to continue. Wolf knew he was losing a lot of blood and the pads on his paws were shredded, soon he would not be able to walk.   There was a strange relief in feeling his body ache and not his heart. Stumbling back to the carpark Wolf was not looking forward to  Constantine's nagging or the need for his help. He had taken it too far.


Adam stopped slouching when he heard the door open behind him. He curled his toes into the carpet to control his emotions. He wanted to be alone. Constantine walked in with a tray and put it on the table in front of the window. The room was dark, the curtains still drawn.

"Eat something. Even if Wolf is still full, you need to eat, it's been days." He roughly pulled open the curtains and pushed out the windows. 'I'm sick of this unrequited love melodrama.  Eat and then for the sake of my sense of smell go have a shower. It stinks in here." Adam shut his eyes at the sudden glare. He'd been happily holed up in the semi-darkness. If he wasn't feeling so lethargic he would have made the oaf regret his words.

"It smells like an abattoir in here." Constantine glared at him, scrunching up his nose.   "If you haven't eaten by the time I come back I'm going to stuff it down your throat myself." He started to march out of the room.

The werewolf was angry, Adam heard the growl in his voice. He planned to ignore the meal the way he had all the others that had been put in front of him.  As if reading his mind Constantine got as far as the door, his accent a little thicker, he pressed the point. "If you don't do as your told and I swear on the Goddess I'll call your father. If you don't listen to me your father can easily replace me with someone who won't take your crap. I can be replaced by someone far worse."

It was true. They had managed to find a middle ground to survive far from home among humans. Adam's claws gripped the edge of the bed digging into the mattress. His father could certainly send someone worse.

Sitting at the table Adam started eating, every mouthful tasted like sawdust in his mouth. He growled in frustration.  When he forced down the last mouthful he was prized out of his mopping by the doorbell ringing nonstop and a loud voice yelling his name. It was followed by even louder banging on the door.   He sipped his coffee and waited to see what happened next.  What little drama was going on outside?  It snapped him out of his mopping.

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