Chapter 50 - The heart wants what the heart wants.

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Constantine was plating up Adam's favourite breakfast. It was something he ordered every time they went to a certain cafe near their apartment back in Perth.  Constantine chopped up the baby spinach and tossed it in a bowl with crumbled fetta and pine nuts and gave it a good stir, finally placing it carefully over the hot french toast piled high with crispy bacon. Over the top went a drizzle of honey.  The were stared at the plate, pretty sure that it looked like the real thing. It wasn't anything he'd ever eat himself, give him steak for breakfast lunch and dinner, but Adam always scoffed it down. Hopefully, this was as good as the one back home, yes, he had come to think of Perth as home. Sometimes, it takes distance and being parted from something to make you realise how much it means to you. It certainly wasn't this place. Constantine didn't mind his small studio apartment but it was only a place to sleep and eat.

He heard his charge shuffle into the room and take a seat at the table. A quick glance over his shoulder confirmed that Adam was still deep in his own world,  slumped over, his head lying on his folded arms.

"Are you OK? Constantine put the plate in front of him and hoped it would tempt him to eat.

Adam looked at the food in front of him and smiled. Constantine guessed it must have brought back the same memories. Adam sniffed it and his smile got a little wider. "I feel better after the shower. This looks great. Thanks."

The were was pleased and he turned away to wash up. As he scrubbed the pans and drained the sink he wondered what Paul was doing about fixing things. He stood at the fridge staring blankly at the shelves as he replayed what he'd heard in the car, that dog of a Guardian made his blood boil. This place was supposed to be a fresh start, a proper home at last. He was deep in thought and didn't notice Adam getting up and putting the plate in the sink. Constantine was happily visualising beating the crap out of the dog. It was only when Adam spoke that he realised he was standing close by.

"If I run away will you come with me?" Adam's eyes were on him. "What do you say?"

Constantine sighed and closed the fridge, he'd totally forgotten why he was standing there and started washing the last plate instead. "You can't leave." He said flatly.

"Why not? I can't stay here. I'm only causing trouble for Paul. He's better off without me." Adam's voice went up a notch.  He pulled Constantine around to face him. "We did it before. We can do it again."

"You have a mate now. You wouldn't survive being parted from him." Constantine knew from personal experience what being separated from your mate was like. It was painful physically and mentally. Adam was being naive if he thought that the mating bond wouldn't drag them back together, one way or another.

"I wish we could. I'd be packing right now and we'd be out the door...IF it was possible. But it's not. Paul has to come up with another solution, a way to help you fit in here. I hate saying it, but it's all up to him. This time I can't help you."   And he really did hate saying it. Paul was a cold fish. Constantine didn't like him and he didn't think that was ever going to change.  He was also annoyed he couldn't do anything...Mate Bond trumps Bound Wolf.

Before he could say anything else Adam grabbed the plate from his hands and flung it against the wall.  He howled and Wolf again started to push forward to take control.  Through teeth that were already starting to grow longer and sharper, Adam screamed with frustration.

"Not even you will help me."  Adam could barely control his rage, he snarled at Constantine, who was shocked by how quickly Adam lost control.  He'd never been this bad before.  If something had angered him it was more of a slow burn, he'd stew over it and eventually need a run to vent.  This was different Adam was desperate.

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