Chapter 36 - I'm going to make you MINE

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Warning More Sex...

 Paul took Adam by the hand and led him to the bed.  

"I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed,"  Adam mumbled as he held down his t-shirt and gripped his sweatpants so tightly that his knuckles turned white.  "I don't think I can bear it." His mismatched eyes moved over his mate's face waiting to see regret and disgust.

Paul gave him a small smile, gutted to think the poor boy had been brainwashed into thinking so little of himself.  "You could never disappoint me." 

He undressed him with great care, he saw the fear in his eyes, gently tugging the T over his head when he resisted.  He reassured him all the while that he was perfect and ran warm fingers over his firm muscles and around the gauze bandages that covered the silverburns. Paul sprinkled kisses as he went.  The silverburn on his neck had spilled partially down his back and ruined one potential marking spot, he placed a kiss on it.  It was a particularly cruel place to burn a Lycan or werewolf as it's hypersensitive, the pain would have been excruciating. There were two similar patches on each forearm and fresh bandages covered the ones on his hands.   The largest wound was across one side of his abdomen, it disappeared under Adam's sweats.

Paul vowed that if he ever got his hands on Thanos he would make him suffer for torturing his brother.  By anyone's standards, this was a heinous act.  How Thanos's mind worked was beyond him.

"Can I take these off now?"  Paul tried to remove Adam's hands from the waistband of his sweatpants.  "You've seen mine so it's only fair I see yours."  Paul's joke felt flat and his mate held on tight.  Adam wasn't a pushover, taller and broader than Paul, the Guardian had met his match physically.  He liked it, in fact, he liked everything about Adam, down to the smallest expression on his face, the way his voice got deeper the more emotional he got, the fact he growled often and didn't realise.  If he was honest he liked the idea that he was a powerful alpha in his own right.

"I'm standing here's only fair."  Adam shook his head and they wrestled over the cord of his sweats.  Paul tried not to hurt his hands and was losing the battle to get him to drop his daks.

"How old are you?"  Paul who had been playfully trying to peel down his pants stopped and looked up.

"Where did that come from?"  

"Well, you're obviously older than me and more must have expectations."

"I'm 33 and I have no expectations.  As for sex, it was only twice and the second time was a dismal failure.  She couldn't keep me hard."

"She?  You had sex with a woman...twice.  Your natural preference wasn't men?"  Adam had no idea why the idea of his mate having sex with a female pissed him off so much, but it did, majorly.  His voice dropped an octave and his blue eye started to glow dangerously.

"I'm an Oegenia Guardian I don't have a such."  Paul let go of the sweatpants when he saw that Adam had extended his claws and his bandages were coming loose. "Are you jealous?"  Paul kept a straight face, the idea pleased him.

Adam growled and sat down on the bed.  "I don't give a fuck who you...fucked." Not the best comeback line, it came out sounding lame because he was flustered and disappointed.

Paul sat on the floor in front of him but kept his distance.  He looked up into the stern face.  Keep the poker face he told himself.  "I will be as much a virgin as you when we mate."

Adam's frosty look thawed quickly. He snorted, he knew he was being childish and tried to shake off the emotions. "It's just the blasted mating bond talking, it's making me irrational."  He made a show of letting go of his sweatpants and moved into the middle of the bed.  Paul wasn't about to let the opportunity pass when Adam lifted his hips as an invitation.  "Well, what are.....?"

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