Chapter 30 - Being rejected never gets any easier.

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Warning - violence.

Theodore watched him from the other side of the bedroom. The boy had been out cold for an hour, he waited patiently for him to recover.  He looked even younger than when he first met him.  Cyrus was wearing a sweatshirt and pants that were three sizes too big and thick sports socks that had come loose in the struggle and dangled loosely from his feet.  Clothes belonging to a much bigger man, Constantine or Adam perhaps.  Theodore waited patiently.

Cyrus's chest suddenly heaved deeply and his eyes fluttered open then he started to cough, a deep course cough. Theodore watched as his toes curled in pain and as the reality of the situation set in. When Cyrus tried to reach for his sore bruised throat he realised that his arms were bound above his head to the bed railings. He tried to push himself up with his heels but he was stuck fast in that position. He started to cough again, then it turned into a choke. The grating noise was disgusting but Theodore had heard it often enough coming from Thanos's toys not to be squeamish.

It was only when he got up from the chair and walked towards the bed that Cyrus noticed him. Still gasping for breath he tried to squirm free, only to have a large body lean over him, grab him under his arms, and push him up enough so that he could breathe a little easier. Without a word, Theodore moved away and left the room. Cyrus lay in bed trying to compose himself. After seeing what had been done to Shaun and Adam he knew he wouldn't survive this. There would be no one coming to help.

Theodore looked through the cupboards for a glass and filled it from the tap. He stood staring out the kitchen window. He'd had that feeling of deja vu again. When he laid Cyrus on the bed, for a second his profile and the way his slender body felt in his arms struck a chord in him. There was something about the boy that was resurrecting memories of Matteo. He hadn't let himself think about him for over five years, wiped him from his head and heart. Theodore had put his mate's rejection and betrayal behind him. He'd kept his secret and suffered in silence. Matteo had been right, they could never be together, a Lycan and a human.

Back then the only thing that helped him survive was entering the house guard for the Fischer Family, before that he had been one of Thanos's sparing partners in the training camp. Thanos had chosen him as his personal guard and companion. He was only 13 at the time, and as wild and wilful as a child could be. Theodore was 20 but he was the only one Thanos would listen to and his parents left their son in his care. Keeping the young Thanos from causing havoc where ever he went became his full-time job.

"Even now." Theodore said out loud. If he'd only known what he was taking on when he started. Back then it had felt like a blessing. Thanos never let him have a minute to himself and demanded his constant attention. Now it felt like it was a punishment, being with him had become suffocating. The Goddess wasn't satisfied that he suffered, she wanted more.

Theodore walked into the bedroom and sat beside Cyrus. The boy glared up at the giant.

"You might as well kill me and get it over with. I'll never tell you anything." Theodore believed him. The boy was strong and loyal. Far to cocky for his own good.  He went to raise his head but Cyrus pulled away only managing to hurt his bruised throat and let out another series of grating coughs.

"Sip it slowly." Theodore's large hand cupped the back of his neck and lifted his head enough to bring the glass of water to his lips. Cyrus's eyes were glued to Theodore's, he didn't trust him but he was desperate for a drink.

He swallowed a few sips, closed his eyes and sighed. Water had never tasted better. When he opened his eyes Theodore was still staring at him.   The look in his eyes scared Cyrus witless. Flecks of red swirled around in his irises, he hadn't noticed that before.

Still holding his head Theodore put down the glass.  He repositioned himself, ending up straddling the boy's legs.  His huge frame loomed over the younger man.  He let his head drop but his fingers remained tightly on his jaw, so he was forced to look at him as he spoke.

The accent was thick.  "I don't want to hurt you.  Tell me where Adam Fischer is and I will let you go.  You have my word of honour."  His deep alpha voice demanded an answer.  He felt Cyrus tremble underneath him.

"Honour?"  Cyrus tried to chuckle, it hurt.  "I've seen what you're capable of and there's nothing honourable about it.  I'm not scared."  He was terrified.  Theodore meant to squeeze hard on his jaw instead his thumb ran softly along it.  He dropped his eyes and let out an exhausted sigh.  His arrogance and defiant confidence were so reminiscent of Matteo.  He'd been a fighter too.

Theodore turned Cyrus's face first to one side and then the other examining the face. They didn't even look alike. This was a very bad time for the past to come and haunt him.  

"You remind me of someone,"  Theodore said quietly.  

"Someone, you like?"  Cyrus could only hope.

"No.  I hate him."

"Well, there you go, just my luck."  Cyrus watched as Theodore's face grew colder.  The giant was terrifying, everything about him was too much.

"I have enough blood on my hands, I don't want anymore. I'll ask you one last time, where is Adam Fischer?"

"They're all good men.  I won't betray them."  Theodore sucked in a long breath.  Why did he have to use that word?  Betrayed, it was like a shard of ice in his chest.  He admired the boy.  That kind of loyalty, freely given and not forced was a rare and precious gift.

"Once I hand you over to Thanos, what happens will be out of my control."  Cyrus tried to pull away but Theodore held on to his face with his long fingers.   "You may think you know what I am capable of but you have no idea what Thanos is capable of.  He's a monster.  All there will be is pain and more pain until you beg me to kill you to end your suffering...and I will. That will be the least I can do for you. That will be how your short life will end."

"Don't be so dramatic, this isn't a Tarantino movie. You just can't kill people.  The police..."  Theodore pressed his thumb to Cyrus's lips.  He had no idea what he was talking about but the boy was naive in thinking the Fischer family couldn't put a nobody human in the ground without a second thought.  

"Even here, so far from our home territory money can make people disappear.  There won't be a finger nail left of you if that's what Thanos wanted."

"No."  Cyrus stared back at him.  "That's my final answer. Now stop touching me and fuck off."

"Μικρό αγόρι, I can't work out if you are brave or stupid?  But you do need a lesson in keeping your mouth shut. Provoke Thanos like this and he'll peel your skin off, and then, fuck you senseless for good measure."

"You're a disgrace to your kind.  You fucking animal...."  Theodore had enough, he pinned Cyrus down and pulled the loose sweatshirt over his head until his head and arms disappeared under it.   He kicked and bucked as hard as he could but it was pointless. His pants came off next leaving him naked, except for his socks.   Theodore got off the bed and let Cyrus scream until he was hoarse.   When he finally lay panting Theodore sat beside him.

"This is a reality check.  Don't provoke.  Don't make things worse for yourself.  Be grateful I'm not the sort to take advantage."

Theodore got up and left Cyrus to work out how much he wanted to live.  He closed the door behind him and went to the kitchen.  He grabbed a couple of beers and dropped onto the couch, exhausted.  The kid was brave and stupid, Thanos was going to make a meal of him.

Theodore picked up his phone and brought up his master's number.  He stared at it.

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