Chapter 57 2 days 3 weeks 3 months - Postcards - Part 1

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Day  2 London

Walking out of the airport, unfortunately, Adam's first glimpse of England was gloomy and grey.

By the time they arrived at their Knightsbridge apartment, dragging their luggage from the train station, down busy Brampton Road, he thought his nuts had retreated back into his body from cold shock.

In the dash to get indoors, he only spared his surroundings a quick glance. Adam couldn't stop smiling, frozen nuts and all.  He had to remind himself this wasn't a fantasy, it was his new reality. He was with his mate traveling the world at their leisure. London was their first stop.  

When they finally arrived at the doorstep of their destination, damp from the constant drizzle and exhausted Adam had stared up at the picture postcard facade of the building.  One of many identical buildings that made up Ovington Square.   All painted white, with black shiny doors and balconies that ran around the second floor.  Nothing could wipe the smile off his face.

One of the many things Adam found out about Paul during his time at the compound was that he was a wealthy man in his own right. While Adam had slowly and secretly built up a fortune in stocks, bonds, and gold bullion to use to break free from his family; Paul had bought land, lots of it, all around the world because there was nothing and no one else to spend it on. They had lived spartan lives because of different circumstances but now the future had no limits. They were both independently wealthy, free and best of all... together.

The apartment that was to be their home was one of Paul's purchases. It was often empty, rented out on Air BNB as high-end accommodation, on the third floor with a garret upper floor. It was perfectly placed in a quiet area and overlooked a small private garden shared by the residents.  The plan was that it would be their London base indefinitely.


As they stepped out of the three-storey white Georgian house Adam tried pulling the collar of his coat up to his ears. The sky was still the same steel grey but the rain had passed.

"Bloody hell it's freezing. Not sure I like this." Adam was a creature who loved nothing more than sweating under a blazing sun, so the most famous city in March was a shock to the system. He pulled the scarf tighter around his neck and wished he'd invested in a pair of gloves when he bought the overcoat.

"It's not that cold." Paul looked unaffected and suave in a dark wool jack, light jumper and shirt, while Adam was buried somewhere underneath an oversized overcoat, thick jumper, and thermals. "You're a black wolf, your ancestors came from Western Europe, love of the cold is in your DNA.

"I should be a lot of things that I NOT. Just give me time to acclimatise. In three days we've gone from 35 degrees to body hasn't caught up yet." Adam dramatically shivered as an icy wind blew up the street.

It was day 2 in London and out of desperation on day one, between the airport and their new home, he'd acquired an overcoat. Paul had dragged him into Harrods and he'd purchased an outrageously overpriced designer coat for himself. His mate insisted that they never skimp on anything ever again. That philosophy had started by flying first class, pampered like A-listers, as they traveled across the globe.

Paul standing close to Adam, carefully pulled his collar back down and re-arranged his scarf so it covered his ears, all the while looking into his eyes and smiling. "Is it possible for a grown Lycan to look this cute with a pink nose? I think it is." He answered his own question and leaned in to kiss Adam on the cold tip. Then moved to his lips to steal another.

"Stop. We don't want to frighten off the neighbors quite yet.' Adam stepped back but got dragged back into Paul's arms.

"I don't care what anybody thinks...except you." Paul kissed him again, more passionately this time. More and more he realised that he could never get enough of Adam's soft sweet mouth. The feel and taste of him becoming as essential as the air he breathed. Paul sighed and reluctantly let go of his mate.

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