Chapter 15 - A little side story about revenge.

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For DoNotCsyrus  - a short side story.

Warning - Violence.

Ben thought, as security guards go, this particular wanker was very bad at his job. It hadn't taken much effort to immobilize him. He hadn't even managed a "fuck me" before Ben punched him square in the nose and sent him flying backward onto the camping equipment he'd piled up behind his desk. All it had taken was a pizza delivery gone astray and the greedy bastard opening the box to have a sniff to take him down.

Ben tied his wrists with plastic strip ties and pulled a pillowcase over his head before bundling him into the boot of his car. He knew the perfect spot to finish off the job.  Being the perfectionist he was he removed the tiny surveillance camera in the air conditioning grill in the reception area and the other one hidden in the cracked brickwork in the carpark and left no evidence behind that he was ever there.  

As he drove towards the river he wondered what was happening with Fischer and Rizzo and the very proper Mr. Lewis.


Ben had started working for Frontier Security straight after leaving high school. He started as a junior doing all the jobs no one else wanted to do. He didn't mind he had plans. It didn't take long for the higher-ups to notice his sharp mind and he quickly rose the ranks. It was obvious to anyone who worked with him he was by nature a sleuth. He enrolled in a criminal investigation course and got his PI qualifications.  His plans were falling into place.  By the time he was twenty, he had an impressive list of assignments under his belt and was one of the best fieldworkers the company had. He was currently doing a Degree in Criminology Online and read every psychology book he could lay his hands on.

A basic requirement for doing fieldwork was a business name and that's when Ben Childs came into being.   The alias was meant to separate the investigator's work and home life.  His real name was Cyrus Scotdon, the youngest son of Andrew Scotdon, a Sergeant in the WA Police Force, and a widower.

Cyrus liked the idea of a dual identity.  It suited the image he had of himself.  It helped him detach himself from some of the more unpleasant parts of his job, for example breaking the security guard's arm or leg.  Ben would have no problem doing it, while Cyrus would look the other way.   

So it was Ben, who parked in the deserted Tidewater Carpark and lit a cigarette, and it was Ben who ran through the list of possible assault charges that could be laid against him if he was caught.  It was a thing he did to keep himself grounded, aware of what making mistakes would cost him.   In this case, it would be aggravated assault or more likely assault with a deadly weapon, an unlawful attempt to violently injure someone.   It was also Ben who thought that it seemed poetic justice that the weapon of choice to commit the assault was the heavy-duty camping mallet he had found in amongst the equipment taken from Fischer's apartment.

He checked the time.  It was getting late and the moaning from the boot was getting louder.  Not that anyone would hear them, they were well away from the main street and there was no CCT around the car park.  He took one last drag of his cigarette and dropped it in the ashtray.

It was Ben who pulled the struggling security guard out of the car and who tripped him when he tried to run off with the pillow case still over his head.  He hauled him over to a metal signpost that read "Littering will be prosecuted".   Another plastic strip tie secured the guard to the pole.   The begging was annoying Ben and he wished he'd thought of putting a gag on the wanker.  It spurred him to get this over with quickly.

Cyrus stood in front of the security guard and looked down at the trembling mess.  It was Cyrus who opened his uniform jacket and removed the thick long envelope and quickly flicked through the bills.  He thought it paid very well to set someone up to die.  He stuffed the envelope in his pocket and took out his phone.  He found the exact playlist he wanted, he felt like a little Chemical Romance.  He popped in his earplugs glad to be rid of the moaning and groaning.

But it was Ben who picked up the large rock he'd found earlier.  He placed it carefully under the guard's ankle, so it lifted a few inches off the floor, and it was Ben who picked up the mallet and tested its weight with a few swings of his arm.   Finally pleased that everything was ready, having eventually decided he'd go for a broken leg instead of an arm and justified for what he was about to do,  it was Ben who swung his arm back and brought it down as hard as he could in the middle of the guard's tibia.  

It was Cyrus who when he heard the high-pitched scream even through Gerard Way belting out Famous Last Words in his ears and walked to the car without looking back, on wobbly legs.


A cigarette dangled from his mouth as Cyrus drove back home.  He pulled the envelope out of his pocket and put it in the glove box.  He'd make sure the blood money went where it was needed.  He checked his clothes and was pleased to see there wasn't a speck of blood or any other sign of tonight's little outing.  He should have felt pleased the case was over, but he couldn't help but wonder how things had worked out for Mr. Lewis and his associates.   It was probably all over by now, the winners and losers decided.   Against his better judgment, he found himself turning his car around and heading for Fischer's friend's house.  Cyrus told himself he could spare a little more time before closing the case completely.  He didn't like loose ends.

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