Chapter 26 - Daddy's little boy.

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They found the car exactly where Constantine said it would be. Paul and Cyrus didn't approach it at first, they watched it from a distance to see if Thanos's men were in hiding. Slowly they moved closer, positioning themselves to get a clearer view.  It looked like, from a couple of parking fines stuck behind the windshield wipers, no one had been near it except city rangers.

Paul approached the car with his face tilted up and his nose flaring. Cyrus watched on confused, frowning.  This sniffing business was the first question he was going to ask about when he got the chance.

"They haven't been here." He opened the driver's door and jumped in, then let the human in. Paul carefully removed his sunglasses from his jacket pocket and put them on.  He could see that once again there was a look of frustration on Cyrus's face. Once he was seated and they were confined to the small space Paul watched him as he slowly relaxed.  

"Now tell me where you were this morning." His alpha voice filled the car and Cyrus, who was about to say "you first", buckled under its weight.

"You have to know about my relationship with my dad to understand why I dropped everything when he called me home." It was humiliating having to explain to someone like Paul, who exuded power and strength, that even though he had loosened the grip Stocland senior had on him.  His father continued to treat him like a well-trained dog and present him to the world as a dutiful, obedient son. It was still beyond him not to go running when he was called. It was a short unpleasant story but he hoped Paul understood some habits are almost impossible to break.

"Is that why you're dressed like that?" Paul ran his eyes over him. "You look like a Ken Doll"

Cyrus frowned.  He should talk he grumbled.  Paul sat beside him in his designer black suit looking like he had been poured into it.  

"I was going for business professional actually." He pulled off his tie and opened the collar of his. He tried to ruffle his glued-down hair but made it stick out in spikes instead.  

"Better." Paul spared him a small smile.

Feeling more himself Cyrus then went on to explain what happened from the moment he walked out into the garden and spotted Theodore sitting with his father until he arrived back at the hotel.  Paul drove in silence.  Cyrus couldn't tell what he was thinking, his eyes hidden behind his shades and his face expressionless.

Paul believed the human.   It had been a lucky coincidence that benefited them.  The fact Cyrus was covered in Theodore's scent was unfortunate and led to a misunderstanding.   He was pleased that his first impression of Cyrus was correct, the boy was smart and loyal. Paul hoped he could handle what was coming up next.  If he had to sum up the boy in one word it would be unorthodox.  He thought his ability to think outside the box was a plus in this situation.

When they arrived at the hotel Paul suggested they walk down to the boardwalk and talk there.   

They looked like business associates discussing some office intrigue. Paul decided he would speak plainly, slip into Guardian mode, and turn up the alpha voice so Cyrus could see precisely the difference between humans and Lycan. He needed to see the line clearly before he got more involved and risked his life.

They sat down on the same bench as when they first met. Paul stretched out his legs and crossed them at the ankles. It was warm but he looked unaffected. He straighten his jacket and folded his hands on his lap.  For a few peaceful minutes, he enjoyed the view.  He could feel Cyrus beside him wanting to get on with it.   "Do you believe in the supernatural?" Paul asked.

It was not what Cyrus expected to hear but he went along with it.  "Hmm...I suppose I'm like most people I believe there's more than what we are aware of. I've never personally experienced anything...yooooOOOOw." Cyrus waved his hands around and made a ghost noise. "I've never had anything go bump in the night if that's what you mean."

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