Chapter 39 - Road Trip

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Not wanting to give parts of the plot away I will just say - unpleasantness ahead.

The curtains were drawn back and dim morning light filled the room. He turned over with a pained growl and looked out the windows at the sky. It was overcast for the first time since they arrived. The elder Tibiani sibling was standing looking out over the river.

"It looks like the weather has turned." He came to stand next to the couch which barely held the huge Lycan's frame. "Good morning. Coffee?" Tibiani respected Theodore, he treated them fairly, and he'd deflected Thanos's explosive anger off him and his brother several times. He saw the cut lip and bruised face. He expected worse considering Thanos was completely unhinged by his absence.

"Have you any wounds you need me to tend to?" He asked awkwardly. Even though Theodore was his favoured pet, he was sure Thanos didn't let him off with just a split lip.  Thanos always got his pound of flesh one way or another.

Theodore grumbled as he sat up.  Cocked an eyebrow at his offsiders, as if to say, you really have to ask?  He was certain he had at least one fractured rib if not more.  This beating was going to take a while to heal. It could have been worse.   A shower was what he desperately wanted, to wash away the disgusting scent of Thanos's arousal that still lingered on him.  Theodore was certain Tibiani could smelt it.  

"I'll need your help to strap me up." He lifted himself off the couch with a grunt, holding his side. The pain made his head swim and he had to focus to steady himself. "Shower first. Then coffee, lots of it, strong and sweet please." Tibiani watched him walk unsteadily to the bathroom, struggling out of his shirt as he went. When he finally managed to slip it off his shoulders, he saw Thanos's handy work, claw puncture wounds, and black/blue bruises the shape of boot prints covered his torso 

Theodore stopped at the bathroom door.   "Let me know the minute Thanos wakes up. We'll be taking a road trip.  I've found Fischer."


A long hot shower did the trick.  It gave Theodore time to focus on what he needed to do.  He stepped out of the cubicle and wrapped a towel around his waist.  The room was a steam box, the heat easing his tight muscles.  He breathed deeply trying to fill his lungs.  Each breath hurt.  

Standing at the vanity he wiped the condensation off the mirror and looked at a foggy version of himself.  Even the bleary reflection couldn't hide the fact he was looking rough around the edges, with a battered face, split lip, scruffy beard, and a bruised body the colour of sickly blue cheese, he looked more like a homeless person than a Pureblood.

Theodore combed back his dark hair and shaved for the first time since they arrived.  He leaned in and examined his face, running his hand over his smooth cheeks and chin.   It made him feel a little better.  With the beard gone his face lost any softness and unfortunately, made the discoloration more obvious.  He winced as he straightened up.  He was about to pull off the towel and dress when there was a loud knock on the door.

Before he could turn around, assuming it was one of the siblings with his coffee, the door opened and Thanos stood at the entrance.  Theodore tensed when he saw him in the mirror.

"I'll be out in a second, give me a minute to get dressed."  Theodore watched him close the door and block his exit.  He realized that he had unwittingly opened Pandora's Box the previous evening.  He wanted more.  Thanos was not one for small measures of anything.  The agreement that had kept the peace between them was unravelling.

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