Chapter 40 - I'll never leave you.

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Same as before - unpleasantness ahead.

They hit the road around one. The rain had progressively grown heavier during the morning and by the time they left, it was torrential. It was going to be an unpleasant drive. The weather report was dismal, unseasonal heavy rain for the next few days. It was perfect for what Theodore planned. As they made their way out of the city the traffic was light, headlights were on and everyone was keeping to the speed limit. It felt like all the drivers were forced into deferential camaraderie as they changed lanes and passed each other in a safe and orderly way.

Inside the car, everyone was keeping to themselves. All of them were lulled into silence by the rhythmic hum of the engine, the swish of the windscreen wipers, and the sizzling sound of the rain on the roof. Occasionally, a car got a little too close as it overtook them and the spray from its wheels sliced across the side windows waking everyone up from their trance.

Thanos was sitting beside Theodore, staring straight ahead.  Although he never once looked at him, Theodore felt a constant pulling sensation coming from him that he tried to ignore.  In the back, the siblings were both looking out the window. Their rigid faces spoke volumes, they wished they were anywhere but there. No one wanted to make conversation.

Looking straight ahead the sky was a dark unbroken grey from horizon to horizon. A blanket of cloud hanging so low it seemed the Gods were pressing down on them, squeezing all colour and joy out of the world. In Theodore's heart, there was no joy to purge and the bleakness was draining him of what energy he had to fulfil his goal.

He stared at the endless stream of cars heading in and out of the city; the winding highway and the white markers as they changed; the signs of civilisation on either side little by little replaced by farmland, gum trees and scrub.


Two hours into the drive Thanos complained he needed a bathroom stop and asked if there was a petrol station coming up soon. He patted Theodore's thigh, a sleazy smile across his lips. "If that's no bother." The hand remained on his leg and the fingertips tested the fabric. "I really don't want to have to pee in the bushes in the rain, Theo."

His request suited Theodore. He already had their next stop planned and it wasn't too far off. He gritted his teeth and let Thanos's hand linger on his thigh. He let him think he couldn't escape a groping while trapped in the car, it served his purpose to lull him into thinking he was in control.

For the next 20 minutes, the hand travelled slowly up and down, finally settling between his thighs. Outside the rain was coming down hard, it looked more like dusk that afternoon. Visibility was terrible and more and more trucks were speeding past them. They'd slid a couple of times already when they hit water-logged stretches of road.

"I need to concentrate." The wondering hand moved to his knee but the smile remained on Thanos's face. Theodore suspected he thought he'd won a small victory, he was happy to let him gloat. The fact the idiot was being played and didn't realise gave him a little boost.

Checking the GPS Theodore saw the highway started to wind its way along the rugged coastline about 20 km ahead. The petrol station was a couple of kilometres away, the last place to conveniently stop before the road got more treacherous.  After that, it would be 100 klms of winding deserted terrain, rocky outcrops on one side and the Indian Ocean on the other.

He called over his shoulder to the siblings. "Guys we'll be making a pit stop in about 10 minutes. You can get out and stretch your legs."

There was a unanimous Great!!! from the back seat.

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